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Efficiency of forest amelioration in Zhytomyr Polissya
The aim of the research is to determine a role of forest amelioration as an optimizer in the horizontal redistribution of anthropogenic pollutants from water headers that are equal to the length of structural basin in forest and agrarian landscapes.
Forest plantations play an important ameliorative part in the environment as a whole and in forest and agrarian landscapes in particular, being quite powerful water regulators and erosion preventers.
Snow gaging survey was carried out to study the nature of snow retention and distribution on adjacent fields affected by shelter forest belts. The objects of the research were 10 forest belts of different design, in which 14 routes have been made.
There was close relationship between aerodynamics (reduced wind speed) and volume (V m3 ∙ m-1) of retained snow: the stronger is the total windshield, the greater is the volume of retained snow.
Snow was retained on the two fields adjacent to forest belts, indicating the positive impact of forest belts regardless of spatial orientation. The thickness of snow trail on inter-belt fields facing away from wind is approximately 1.5 times greater than that facing towards wind.
The data of our water balance observations (1999-2015) indicate that forest plantation runoff is generally less than perennial grasses (fallow) runoff. The difference between plowed land and forest belt is negligible.
Experimental studies revealed correlation between runoff and wash depending on the species composition (softwood and hardwood) and stand density. It has been established that surface runoff in hardwood stands consisting of more than five trees is significantly reduced compared to pine plantations.
The results of the research has showed that the specific activity of 137Cs in 0-20 cm soil layer varies synchronously as the distance from the top of the basin increases up to its increase in cumulative area and reaches the maximum value in the near-belt area and directly in the forest belt.
According to the results of research it has been found that the differentiation of runoff and erosion indicators in different structural elements of agrarian landscapes becomes ultimately apparent on hydrological characteristics of small rivers and on the nature of substance runoff material within their pools.
There is quite close relationship between the saturation of the pool territory with forest plantations (forest cover) and the turbidity of small river runoffs within these pools.
Based on the above it can be argued that the prediction of 137Cs migration development in the Polissya forest and agrarian landscapes is possible due to construction of functional models of their individual elements. Prognostic models obtained have made it possible to develop effective ways of radionuclide migration management based on the correct transformation of sediment runoff that has to be recorded in the hydrographic network preventing its migration beyond elementary water-collecting headers. Prognostic functional models of elements of forest and agrarian landscapes can determine the basic parameters of their support elements, foremost among which are protective forest plantations that produce optimizing effect on the horizontal migration of radionuclides and other anthropogenic pollutants.
An important link in preventing spatial migration of nuclides and their accumulation in soils attached to the landscapes is the expansion and preservation of forested areas and field-protective forestation that are natural universal filters.
Key words: river, amelioration, pool, landscape, soil, pollution, migration, runoff, forest.
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