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Methods to reduce healthy seed potato material repeated infestation by viruses under the conditions of Southern Polissya of Ukraine
The article reviews the results of research on the number and species composition of the winged forms of aphid in the sowing of seed potatoes in the area of the Southern Polissya of Ukraine. The dynamics of accumulation of viral infection in healthy seed potato material during the vegetation period has been shown. A system of agricultural measures aimed at reducing the reinfestation of healthy potato material by viruses in the field has been presented.
On average for 2014-2016 the yield of Tiras and Slav’yanka improved potato varieties was within 44.6-57.1 t/ha and 46.6-68.5 t/ha, respectively. In the control variant (tubers processed with disinfectants) the yield was lower than in the variants with applying a complex of products (8 aphicide treatments) to prevent viral infestation of the planting stock in the field. Application of 8 insecticide treatments provided increase in potato varieties productivity: Tiras – 3.5 t/ha and Slav’yanka – of 7.5 t/ha with conditioned seed tubers output 360.7 and 419.2 thousand pieces per 1 ha. Removing plant tops increased the seed tubers yield per 1 ha by 43.1 thousand for Tiras variety and by 35.2 thousand by Slov'yanka variety.
Adding mineral oil sansprey (3 l/ha) for each treatment provided seed tubers yield increase per hectare of cultivated area on Tiras variety at 406.2 and Slav’yanka – 431 900 tubers. Determination of fractional composition of the yield showed that the content seed varieties fraction in the crop variety Tiras was within 54.8-59.9 % and 74.1-76.2 % for Slav’yanka variety.
During the period of the growing season 3 assessments of planting material infestation with viral diseases was conducted using laboratory analysis by ELISA. Determination of improved planting potatoes infested with virus in the phase of sprouting showed that the degree of contamination of Tiras variety with PVM virus was 2.5 % of plants Slavyanka – 1.5 %. At the beginning of flowering Tiras potato variety infestation with PVM antigens increased by 5.0 %, Slavyanka variety – by 2.5 %.
In the post-harvest testing version without the use of insects, fungicidal treatments (control) detected increased level of contamination by viruses and potato PVM, PVY Tiras grade from 5.0 % to 10.8 %. Growing potatoes without the use of complex farming practices (insecticidal treatment + mineral oil + potato tops cutting) contributed to a significant accumulation of PVM viral infection. Also, contamination of Tiras variety with PVY 1.1 % was found out, Slav’yanka variety was infested by PVM only by 4.0 %.
According to the results of research, taking into account the number of migratory generation of aphids on potato plants in prebasic seed planting the most dangerous periods for potato infection by viruses have been determined. Under the conditions of Southern Polissya of Ukraine, a peak increase in the number of winged aphids was observed during the 1st-3rd decade of June and the 1st decade of July. The second peak period of increase in the number of aphids was observed in the 2ndand 3rd decades of August and in the 1st decade of September.
It was found out that removal of the potato tops in 15-20 days after the blooming stage contributed to the increase in the yield of seed tubers from 1 hectare of Tiras variety by 43.1 thousand pieces, and for Slav’yanka variety – by 35.2 thousand tubers.
The application of the whole set of studied seed-breeding measures resulted in the reduce of the degree of reinfestation of potato by viruses in the field reduced PVM infectivity of potato seed material of Tiras variety by 4.7 %. Integrated seed-breeding agricultural measures in the nursery of prebasic seed breeding contributed to the reduction in the degree of PVM infectivity of Slavyanka variety by 2.0 %.
Key words: potato, pre-basic seeds, viral diseases, aphid, yield, set of protective measures.
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