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Determination of temperature mode for the creation of the active collection source of winter rye breeding material
The main issues in plant breeding are the search, selection and preservation of starting material productive sources. Biotechnological methods are efficient means of original forms preservation.
Starting materials genetic bank formation and the use of active plant collection contributes to optimization of cross pollination crops selection process, especially winter rye. Using crops collections provide preservation and obtaining donor genes of qualitative commercially valuable traits in relevant breeding schemes in a specified period for a long period of time.
Slowing down the metabolic processes in the crops body, setting conditions for intense growth suspension and of biological objects development provide formation of the active collection and its storage term extension.
The simplest factor slowing the growth down in the formation of active collection is the reduced temperature of cloned samples deposit.
The aim of our work was to determine the conditions of formation of genetic material bank for changing temperature conditions for long-term deposit of winter rye cloned crops and the use of active collection of original forms in heterosis breeding.
The study was conducted during the 2014-2016 in biotechnology laboratory of Uman National University of Horticulture. The varieties of Hlybne and Karlyk 1 and the created samples (337–2, 133–1, 103–7, 214) of winter rye were used as the cultural cloned crops. Nutrient medium composed of macro- and micronutrients was used for clones depositing according to prescription by Murasihe-Skuha medium. The nutrient substrate was modified with citokinines and auksines. The clones were kept in the cultural areas under variants of temperature range (6–12 ○С) and low light intensity (2 KLK).
The conditions of create a genetic bank of winter rye plants for the use of temperature limits were defined during the studies. The consistent technological scheme of transfer of plant material in a relative state of suspended animation was developed.
It was proved that the optimal temperature for storage plants is 6 ○С. Such temperature conditions provided average monthly growth of plants of winter rye at 0.4 cm. Regardless of the genotype, intensive growth was recorded during the first 10-12 days, prevented laying of adventive buds. Samples survival at a specified temperature conditions 12 months after the deposit was fixed at 78.2 %.
It was found that the varietal identity for the deposit does not significantly affect the viability of the material.
Little difference between genotypes within the species in the crops organisms respond to storage temperature options for 6 and 8 ○C was observed a year after depositing. This temperature ensured vernalization of the rye collection samples under prolonged exposure.
By combining thermal limiting and adding high concentrations of growth regulators, agar-agar and sucrose to the medium shelf life of breeding material without substrate change in the in vitro culture extended.
Cytological analysis of the cloned material confirmed the genetic stability of the active plant collection.
After transferring samples from the cultural bank into optimal growing conditions, there was intense growth of biomaterial by speeding up metabolism in plant cells.
Using biotechnological methods for breeding and conservation of valuable starting material contributes to intensification of the process of obtaining heterosis breeding hybrids of winter rye.
Key words: winter rye, donor, source material, gene bank, the active collection, nutrient medium, temperature mode.
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