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Results of testing different varieties of winter wheat in organic production

Crop varieties play an important role in increase of organic crops productivity both in terms of harvest volume and quality. It is one of important factors for further enhancement of the organic agriculture in the Ukraine. Taking into consideration diverse soil and climatic conditions in every area, it is necessary to select the varieties whose biological characteristics are the most suitable for natural conditions of the area they are grown in.
Winter wheat is one of the most important export crop for the Ukrainian organic sector. Nowadays Ukraine has a wide range of winter wheat varieties which differ essentially in terms of vegetation duration, requirements to temperature regime, humidity and soil fertility. These allow selecting the most suitable varieties for each area and farm.
Our research covered the following issues:
- to measure productivity and quality parameters of different winter wheat varieties,
- to carry out comparative analysis of productivity of winter wheat cultivated according to the organic method with the use of the same agricultural machines,
Winter wheat in 2015 was grown on the demonstration ground on two fields ˗ field 1 and field 3.
We determined the effectiveness of various winter wheat varieties and the effectiveness of different microbiological technology with the control variant on field 3.
1.  According to our research, crop rotation, cultivars and weather conditions of the year had a significant impact on the productivity of winter wheat. Adverse conditions of spring and summer in 2016 resulted in the formation of fewer and under weight grains in the ear unlike in 2015, when sufficient moisture during the growing season contributed to full grain formation. Studies have established that the formation of the major indicators of productivity of ear of winter wheat is especially influenced by varietal characteristics. Plant height of winter wheat varied within 88.5-98.7 cm long, ears – 6.8-10.6 cm, the number of grains per ear – 26.2-31.1. In terms of the length of the ear should Poliska 90 (10.6 cm) and Stolychna (10.3 cm) varieties should be pointed out. Varieties of Stolychna, Poliska 90, Lukulus had the highest number of grains in the ear (31.1; 30.9; 30.7 pc. respectively).
2.  On the average for 2014-2016 under organic production in Skvyra research station the highest grain yield provided the varieties of Podolyanka – 6.2 t/ha, Poliska 90 – 6.0 t/ha, Charodiyka Bilotserkivska – 5.7 t/ha. Among the other varieties studied in the last year high performance was observed in Lukullus, Pustovarivka, Pannonikus varieties.
3.  The assessment results presented at the demonstration field of winter wheat during 2014 -2016, we can say that the greatest stability, despite the weather conditions, soil nutrients level and other unfavorable factors, quality (protein content and gluten) had Poliska 90, Pannonikus (Fidelius), Vidrada. Also indicators were noticed in Podolyanka, and Charodiyka Bilotserkivska varieties.
4.  According to the results of testing varieties after various pre-crops in 2015, the greatest plasticity (lasting results without dependence to growing conditions) showed the Austrian variety of Pannonikus (Fidelius) ˗ gluten content on field 6 (pre-crop – grains) was 18.5 %, on field 2 (previous culture – green manure) was 17.4 %.
According to the conducted research, we can conclude that crop rotation is a fundamental organic production, especially under the absence of organic fertilizers.
Therefore, properly planned crop rotation should make the foundation of high-quality, cost effective organic crop production.
5.  The use of microbiological preparations for the winter wheat crop gave a significant effect in comparison with the control variant.
Key words: organic production, varieties, winter wheat, microbiological preparations, productivity, quality, weather conditions.

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