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Ecological state of modal black soil under different systems of mechanical treatment in organic farming
The level of catalase under a differential and surface tillage in a crop rotation is correspondently 0.9-1.3 and 1.9-3.0 % lower. In case of a subsurface cultivator plowing it is 4.2-6.7 % higher than in the control. The level of urea enzyme under a differential and a surface disk tillage is 3.2-4.7 % and 6,0-7,4 % higher, respectively, and it is 3.2-3.4 % lower under subsurface cultivator plowing than in the control.
Protease activity in arable soil layer decreases with a reduction of mechanical cultivation intensity in a crop rotation. Under a surface disc tillage this index was 4.7-8.2 % lower than in the control.
Phosphatase activity was almost the same under a different depth beard and a differential soil tillage. A surface disc and beardless tillage exceeded the control by this index by 5.3-7.7 and 10.5-15.4 %, respectively. Dehydrogenase activity of arable soil layer was almost the same under a different depth beard and a beardless tillage. This index was 2.2-2.9 % higher than in the control under a differential tillage.
Polyphenol oxidase activity in a top soil in a crop rotation on the whole under a differential and a surface tillage was, respectively, 5.1-6.9 and 12.9-18.4 % higher than in the control. This index was almost at the same level under a subsurface cultivator and a beard tillage.
Protease activity in arable soil layer decreases with a reduction of mechanical cultivation intensity in a crop rotation.
A surface and a beardless tillage, as compared with plowing, stimulate the growth of microorganisms in the upper part (0-10 cm) of a top soil. The amount of microorganisms which utilize mineral forms of nitrogen (КАА) under a beardless and a surface disc tillage in a crop rotation increased, by 26 and 15 %, respectively, in comparison with a different depth plowing.
Extension of correlation of general number of microorganisms using mineral forms of nitrogen to the amount of microorganisms assimilating the nitrogen of organic compounds (КАА : MPА) under the second and the third variants of tillage, compared with the control, proves the displacement of organic substance transformation processes towards increased humus decomposition.
There were correspondently 11-14 and 7-9 % more of actinomyces in a top soil under a beardless and a surface tillage than under a different depth plowing.
A general amount of bacteria on the peptone and glucose agar with soil decoction (PGAP) is the highest under a surface disc tillage and the lowest under a beardless tillage. The value of a quantity of a pedotrophic coefficient (PGAP: MPA) that characterizes the degree of assimilation of soil organic substance by a bacterial flora is the lowest under a beardless tillage and the highest under a plowing.
Grain productivity in every hectare of a tilled area of a crop rotation didn’t differ significantly under a plowing, a differential tillage and a disking and made correspondently 3.39; 3.37 and 3.44 t/ha. The replacement of a plough for a subsurface cultivator caused decrease in this index by 0.38 t/ha or 11.2 %.
The following weight of dry matter in the main products and by-products is received under a plowing, a beardless tillage, a differential loosening and a disking in a crop rotation, correspondingly: 6.93; 6.17; 6.89 and 7.07 t/ha.
Key words: enzymes, microorganisms, bioactivity, soil, tillage, productivity.
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