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Basic approaches in development of the curricula for training organic farming agronomists
The necessity to train highly skilled personnel for organic agriculture is emphasized in the paper.
The process of formation the knowledge for future organic farming agronomists is highlighted.
The curriculum for Masters educational level in specialization 201 "Agronomy" is presented.
Detailed information on selective courses of the educational program providing specific knowledge and understanding based on:
• Ukrainian farms transition to organic farming concept development;
• understanding that organic agriculture certification is the prerequisite for transition to organic production of environmentally friendly products;
• fertility restoration and soils protection;
• using the biological methods of plant protection against harmful organisms;
• organic products post-harvest processing, storage and marketing is presented in the paper.
The volume of the cycle of selective courses is, in accordance with the requirements, 38 credits (42 %) of the total volume of educational program.
The significance of each of the following disciplines: "Scientific Foundations of Organic Farming" "Ecological landscaping land use", "Agroclimatology", "Mechanized technologies of production and using organic fertilizers", "Growing field crops in organic crop production", "Growing forage crops in organic crops production", "Scientific basis of weeds control in agrophytocenoses", "Biological control of agricultural crops pathogens and pests", etc is analyzed. An important place is given to practical training – it makes 19 credits. Students will receive practical training on certified organic farms (17 cooperation agreements have been signed).
A distinctive feature of the educational program is pointed out, i.e. while developing the curriculum we took into account the experience of the EU countries with their significant experience in implementing the theory of organic farming in education and science.
It is noted that the curriculum was developed jointly with a group of professors working in the area of organic farming (Germany Federal Ministry of Agriculture) who exchanged their experiences and conducted training for teaching staff on various practical issues of organic farming. But this curriculum is not a dogma – the curriculum will be improved considering the colleagues experience from other scientific institutions, including the near and far abroad.
The educational program "Organic Farming" will promote the competitiveness of agronomists and increase their employment opportunities.
Key words: organic production, organic farming, organic plant growing, curriculum, agronomy, Master educational level, educational program on "Organic Farming".
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