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Hazelnut (Corylus domestica Kosenko еt Opalko) varieties and forms estimation using different methods of the propagation capacity
Ecological and biological peculiarities of vegetative and seed propagation of hazelnut (Corylus domestica Kosenko еt Opalko) forms and varieties are researched.
Hazelnut varieties and forms perspective for Ukraine such as – Halle, Kosford, Dar Pavlenka, Dohidnyi, Dolynskyi, Ukraina–50, Shedevr, Trapezund, Futkurami, Cherkeskyi–2, Sofiyivskyi–1, Sofiyivskyi–2, Sofiyivskyi–3, Sofiyivskyi–15 were the material of our investigations. All the researches were done at the basis of the nursery garden of the National dendrological park "Sofiyivka" of NAS of Ukraine during 2010 – 2015years.
Glass conservatories with fine-dispersed humidification were used for cutting's rootage. Composition of sphagnous peat and bank sand in proportion 4:1 served as the substratum. Air temperature in the rootage environment was 28–30 °С, while the substratum – 18–22 °С. Air relative humidity was 80–90 %, while the optical radiation intensity – 200–250 Joule/m2/sec.
Cuttings stored from the apical, medial and basal part of shoot with one, two or three and four nodes 10–15 cm long were used for the each research variant; while the rootage was done according to the traditional techniques. Cuttings of the hazelnut variety Halle were used as the control one.
Observations over the rootage processes were done every five days. Research repeatability is fourfold, every replication included 20 cuttings. The origin and the mass root formation, so as the development of elevated part and root growth were taken into account. Rootage accounting was made at the end of the vegetative period, number of roots and the length of rootage system, so as the size of elevated part of the own-rooted plant was also defined. Data statistical treatment was done with the use of dispersion analysis multiple-factor and computer programs.
Relation of stem cutting establishment from the variety, form, the term of their stocking, the part of shoot and its merism were developed. The capacity of the implanted vertical layers with marketable state increase subject to the usage of the different kinds of rootage substratums, investigated plants variety features etc., were scientifically grounded and established. At the bases of our studies we have cleared that the biggest rhizogenic ability and high biometric indexes were inherent for the hazelnut layers of such varieties as Dar Pavlenka and Ukraina – 50 provided with the covering of thyrsus, prepared from the hardwood, and usage of cupric glass rod rings at the lower part of the stool. In addition, we have cleared that seed germination so as the further seedlings development depend from the terms of sowing, conditions of preparation and variety features. During the autumn nuts sowing in wrapper of investigated varieties and forms we got seedlings of biggest size than during the spring sowing. Among the researched forms and varieties the biggest germination had the varieties and forms of Ukrainian breeding, as their fruits had the biggest kernel ratio and it influenced essentially on to the indicated indexes. The greatest seed germination was noted with the varieties Dar Pavlenka, Ukraina – 50, Dohidnyi and the form Sofiyvskiy – 15 during the autumn nuts sowing in wrapper without stratification. While the seed of such varieties as Halle, Futkurami, Trapezund had the lower repropuctive ability at the same conditions.
Key words: stem shoots, merism, seed germination, stool, techniques, thyrsus, varieties, musty wood chips, layers, substratum.
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