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Influence of pelleting coatting on the seed quality of chicory rhizocarpous variety
The results of the influence of pelleting coating on the seed quality of Chicory root variety are preswented. Final processing of seed includes seed treatment, encrusting, pelleting, encapsulation and packaging of seeds. As a result, such seeds have high germination energy, similarity, uniformity and single sprout. Seeds of Chicory root are of small size and are characterized by a large variety of size. The weight of 1000 seeds ranges from 0.73 to 1.65 grams, the diameter – from 1.0 to 3.5 mm, the thickness – from 1.2 to
2.0 mm. It is difficult to sow such seeds by the final density, even with modern pneumatic sowing machines. To increase the size of the seed of Chicory root is only possible through its peletting. Researches on this problem have never been conducted in our country. So, the study of the impact of weight of peletted shell on quality of peletted seed is topical, and it was the purpose of our research. The varieties of Chicory root were used as a source material. The varieties were obtained as a result of breeding work at Uman Experimental Breeding Station Institute of bioenergetics crops and sugar beet of NAAS: Uman-95 and Uman-97 with the conical shape of root and Uman-96 with a cylindrical root, which are recorded in the State register of plant varieties of Ukraine. Chicory root seeds were pelleted on laboratory «Satek» pelleting machine under conditions of Vinnytsa seed plant LLC «Ahrohrad» in 2016. To understand how the coating mass affects the germinating energy and similarity of pelleting seed we applied 100, 150 and 200 % of pelleting mixture from the seeds weight to pelleting. It was inappropriate to apply smaller amount pelleting mixture to the seed because the size and weight of the pelleting seed would not significantly change. It was found that even with the application of 100 % of the pelleting mixture on Chicory root seeds with similarity to 95 % of pelleting, its germination and similarity decreased significantly. The germinating energy decreased by 7 % and similarities by 5 % as compared with the control. These figures decreased significantly with the increase of mass of the pelleting weight to 150 %, as compared with the control and with the pelleting seed where the weight of pelleting was 100 % by weight of seeds. Compared with the control the germinating energy decreased by 10 % and the similarity by 8 %, compared with the pelleting seeds, where the mass of pelleting weight was 100 %, the figures went down by 3 % (HIP05 = 2,8 and 2,9 %). While applying 200 % of pelleting mixture on the seed, a significant reduction of seed quality was indicated as compared with control and pelleting seeds with 100 % mass of coating, but we can not state a significant decrease of the germinating energy and similarity of the pelleting seed compared with the option where 150 % of the pelleting mixture was applied. Similar results on quality of the pelleting seeds depending on the weight of the pelleting coating were obtained according to the varieties. The germinating energy and similarity of the pelleting seed decreased significantly in all varieties under creating coating of 100 % weigh in pellet by weigh to seed. Increased weight of the pelleting coating to 150 and 200 % by weight of seeds also resulted in decline in the quality of the pelleting seeds compared with the control – non-pelleting seeds. Compared to the option where the weight of the coating was 100 % weigh to seeds there was not a significant reduction of seed similarity for the increasing pelleting coating weight. Depending on the varieties, which had high and almost identical figures of the germinating energy and similarity, a significant difference in the quality of the pelleting seeds was not found. According to the applying 100 % of the pelleting weight of the seed weight, the similarity of the pelleting seed of Uman 97 variety was 89 %, Uman 95 variety – 90 % and
Uman 96 variety – 91 % (НІР05 variety= 2,3 %). Similar results were obtained for the pellet coating weight are 150 and 200 % of the weight of the seed, but the level of quality indicators was lower.
Analysis of the factors influencing the germinating energy and seed similarity showed that the share of such factor influence as «pellet coating weight» was the largest and amounted 47.5 and 47.6 %. The impact of such factor as «sort» and interaction of factors «variety weight of pellet coating» was in significant on both germinating energy and pelleting seeds similarity. The other factors like the method of pelleting, the quality of pelleting mixtures and adhesives had a significant impact on quality of seed. So, the best way is to create a pellet coating weighing 100 % of the weigh to the seed, which provides obtaining of the pelleting seeds of 87,2 % adjustment off action with 1.5–2.5 mm in diameter. But, even with the application of 100% of the pelleting mixture to Chicory root seeds with 95 % of pelleting similarity on average in the three varieties its germinating energy (by 7 %) and similarity (by 5 %) have been significantly decreased compared with the control.
Key words: Chicory root, variety, pelleting coating, seed weight, similarity, the germinating energy.
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