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Assessment of new hybrids of sugar beet
Research of the scholars like Doronin V.A., Balan V.M., Karpuk L.M. show that each hybrid realizes its genetic potential in a different way, and thus – depending on growing conditions, it is advisable to choose hybrids different for their biological characteristics of intensive type within the same soil and climatic zone to reduce the risks associated with weather instability.
Nine new sugar beet hybrids were studied in three soil-climatic zones in 11 tested areas 2012-2014 were the research material. The studied hybrids belong to four companies-owners: KVS ZAAT AG, Syngenta Crop Protection AG, SESVANDERHAVE NV/SA. and Maribo Seed GmbH and recommended for cultivation in different soil and climatic zones of Ukraine.
The paper highlights the analysis of new hybrids of sugar beet for agronomic performance clustering. It has been found out that Asceta and Monsan sugar beet hybrids, have severely corrugated leaf surface of Acacia KVC, BIZON, Protecta, SI Belana, Highland have moderately corrugated leaf surface, and Proteus and HLORIANNA KVS – weakly and smooth corrugated leaf surface correspondingly. We defined that in general, in the Polissya zone the average density of crops was 94.9 thousand pcs/ha, in the Forest-steppe – 89.5 thousand pcs/ha and in the Steppe – 83.3 thousand pcs/ha. On average for the 2012-2014 the crops density in Ukraine was 91.7 thousand pcs/ha and in our studies – 89.2 thousand pcs/ha, which indicates a minor deviation of the features. We found out that the highest yield of the studied hybrids was in the Forest-steppe zone, and the lowest – in the Steppe. Average yield of root crops in the Polissya zone was 46.9 t/ha, in the Forest-steppe – 51.4 t/ha, and in the Steppe – 37.8 t / ha. The highest level of the sugar content has been in Polissya – 18.2 %, but the conditions of the Forest-steppe and Steppe formation provided the same level of sugar content in the roots 17.6-17.8 %.
Hybrids Acacia KVS, BIZON, Highland can be grown in the South, Southeast Forest-steppe and Polissya zones and in the Steppe zone of Ukraine with sufficient moisture. Also, Asceta, HLORIANNA KBC, Monsan, Proteus, SI Belana can give greater yields and sugar content in the Western and Central regions of Ukraine. Beet hybrid Asceta is an intensive one and provides a yield of 52.6 t/ha and sugar output of 9.8 t/ha and is suitable for growing in Polissya zone. Hybrid HLORIANNA KVS (yield 53.4 t/ha, sugar outpuy – 9.3 t/ha) is the best suited for the Forest-steppe zone and is known for its adaptability to growing conditions. Hybrid Acacia KVS in the Steppe zone provides a yield of 42.2 t/ha.
Therefore, the results of sugar beet hybrids evaluation by major agronomic characteristics under their growth under the Polissia zone conditions reveal that hybrids can be divided into two large clusters. The first cluster includes AKACIYA KVS, Monsan, PROTEUS, BIZON, Protekta and SY`Belana, and the second – Asketa, XAJLEND and GLORIANNA KVS. Hybrids Protekta and SY` Belana have the greatest similarity in expression of the studied traits complex under conditions of the Possia and belong to the same institution originator – Syngenta Crop Protection AG.
The studied hybrids of sugar beet can be classified into three clusters under the Forest steppes of Ukraine. The first of these comprises AKACIYA KVS, Asketa, Protekta, the second – GLORIANNA KVS, Monsan, and SY` Belana and the third one – BIZON, XAJLEND and PROTEUS. But based on the analysis of euclidean distances it can be argued that the most similar BIZON and XAJLEND hybrids of SESVANDERHAVE NV / SA selection.
Under conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine there are two clusters, the first of which is formed by AKACIYA KVS, GLORIANNA KVS, Protekta and Monsan hybrids , and the second one – by Asketa, PROTEUS and BIZON and XAJLEND. Quite similar on the main agronomic traits display are Asketa, PROTEUS and BIZON hybrids.
Key words: sugar beet, hybrid, cluster analysis, agronomic traits.
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