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Crop rotation agrophytocenoses depending on various basic soil and fertilizer management in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Pea responds negatively to boardless soil plowing. The crop yield decrease, as compared with the control, is, on the average for the experiment variants, 0.35 t of grain, 0.39 t of feed unit, 0.29 t of dry substances per hectare.
Replacement of multidepth boardless plowing in crop rotation for differential and soil surface disking one decreases the crop grain yield, but the difference is not statistically significant. Winter wheat crop yield was practically at the same level under multidepth plowing, differential and soil surface disking tillage in the crop rotation and was similar on the average and made 4.61; 4.58 і 4.55 t/ha respectively in the experiment variants, with 4.02 t/ha under subsurface tillage, which is 13 % less than in the control.
The productivity of winter wheat agrophytocenosis is practically at the same under the board, boardless and surface disking tillage in a crop rotation – respectively 8.85, 8.84 and 8.83 t/ha of dry substance; 7.00; 6.97 and 6.94 t/ha of feed units; 0.415, 0.412 and 0.410 t/ha of digestible protein.
The average buckwheat productivity was 5.30 t/ha of dry substance in 2013-2015 in all the experiment variants under multidepth plowing in crop rotation; it was 0.65 t/ha. Lower under subsurface tillage and 0.11 and 0.55 t/ha higher respectively under differential and surface disking tillage than in the control.
The highest corn crop yield in all the experimental variants, average for 2013 – 2015, was obtained under surface disking tillage (5.56 t/ha), some lower than under differential tillage (5.39 t/ha) and the lowest one – under subsurface tillage in crop rotation (4.76 t/ha). This figure was 5.23 t/ha under multidepth plowing.
The crop yield of spring barley under multidepth plowing in the crop rotation was 2.82 t/ha on average, 2.47 t/ha under subsurface tillage, 2.64 t/ha under differential tillage, 2.72 t/ha under surface disking tillage.
Grain sampling from each hectare of the tilled soil in the crop rotation did not differ significantly under multidepth plowing, differential tillage and surface disking and was respectively 3.39; 3.37 and 3.44 t/ha. Replacement of a plough for a subsurface cultivator caused decreaseng of this figure for 0.38 t/ha or 11.2 %.
The following figures were obtained under multidepth plowing, boardless plowing, differential tillage and surface disking tillage, respectively, in the crop rotation for dry substance mass of basic and by-products: 6.93; 6.17; 6.89 and 7.07 t/ha, feed units – 5.68; 5.06; 5.64 and 5.77 t/ha, digestible protein – 0.372; 0.336; 0.367 and 0.376 t/ha. Thus, these figures were lower under subsurface tillage than in the control by 11.0; 10.9 and 9.7 % respectively.
Due to the application of 4 tones of manure + N26P44K44, 8 tones of manure + N58P80K80 and 12 tones of manure + N83P116K116 per 1 hectare of tilled soil in the crop rotation in average for three years of the research, the yield made 2.92; 3.84 and 4.48 t/ha of grain respectively, that is 0.95; 1.87 and 2.51 t/ha more than for the unfertilized plots. Application of the fertilizer norms mentioned above provided 5.89; 7.92 and 9.38 t/ha of dry substance yield of basic and by-products in the crop rotation respectively, which is 1.52; 2.05 and 2.42 times more than in the unfertilized plots.
An average energy efficiency ratio in the experimental variants under the board, boardless, differential and surface tillage in the crop rotation was respectively 2.86; 2.60; 2.97 and 3.04. Thus, this indicator decreased by 9.1 % under basic subsurface soil tillage and increased by 6.3 % under heavy board disking in comparison with the control. The energy efficiency ratio was 3.8 % higher under differential tillage than under multidepth plowing in the crop rotation.
Application of 4 tones of manure for each hectare of tilled soil of a crop rotation + N26P44K44, 8 tones of manure + N58P80K80 and 12 tones of manure + N83P116K116 resulted in the indicator increased by 5.9; 8.1 and 6.6 % respectively, in comparison with unfertilized plots. We estimation reveals that the increase of manure application norm over 8 t/ha + N58P80K80 causes decrease of energy efficiency.
Key words: tillage, fertilization, crops, crop rotation, productivity, efficiency.
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