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Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable в bootstrap_table() (рядок 238 із /var/www/html/sites/all/themes/bootstrap/templates/system/table.func.php).Phytoindication the Teteriv river surface water basin by pH
The current status of most rivers in Ukraine is largely influenced by human activity. This led to the degradation and breakdown of water and basin ecosystems. One of the most important directions in modern biological research is studying aquatic macrophytes as indicators of aquatic environment objects .
The purpose of our study was to determine the quantitative distribution of species and indicator species in shallows thr Teteriv river by their pH.
The Teteriv River is located in the Dnipro River and is a right tributary of the first order. It is a region of diverse and intense human impacts on all components of the environment. To determine the effect of species pH and quantitative distribution of aquatic plants we made geobotanic description of the. Teteriv river ecosystems using the phytoindication method in 11 observation points, which differ in the level and nature of human activity.
Among the species of macrophytes that grow within the basin of Teteriv River 45 ones are of phytoindicate value. In general, there are 96 recorded species of vascular plants in the Teteriv River basin most of these plants belong to Equisetophyta, Magnoliophyta, Equisetopsida, Magnoliopsida, Liliopsida, including 15 orders, 20 families and 28 genera. The absolute majority of macrophytes in this region are monocotyledonous plants. Consequently, more expressive indication signs are observed in monocot plants. A significant similarity in species composition was revealed at all points of observation.
Studies have shown that water of the Teteriv River , the most weakly alkaline, is characterized by a wide range of changes in pH ( from 1 to 6), as a result of the combined effects of both natural and anthropogenic factors. As a result, in aquatic ecosystems of the Teteriv River pH fluctuated significantly - from 6.0 to 8.43 during the study period. However, the average pH level usually does not extend beyond 1 category, corresponding the water gradation from "excellent" in some cases to "good" and "satisfactory" Create a disturbing number 4 and number 5, located in Zhytomyr regions in clusters of industrial and residential facilities where fixed negative impact of industrial and sewage treatment from the city. The unfavorable situation in the alignment number 10 (r. Stryzhivka) where water samples were taken at locations of large livestock farms .
This situation has affected both the qualitative and the quantitative characteristics of the indicator macrophytes. Specifically determined that pH greatly affects the species diversity and assay of plants growing in shallow Teteriv River. So at the point of observation recorded 96 species of vascular plants. The nature of the distribution and composition of vegetation communities in different parts of shallow observation has both general and specific features. Particularly, we found out that hydrochemical parameters pH and vegetation in the study area are related.
The highest number of plants is observed in the environments where the pH was neutral or alkalescent. Maximum number of indicator plants grow in an environment with a pH of 7,5-7,6 - 34 species. Thus in these areas vegetation associations are represented in all three groups of macrophytes (the alignment 1 and 9). In alignment with pH fixed <7.5, the vegetation. It changed from a mosaic type overgrown shallow water on mosaic thicket (with large amounts of air and water vegetation) as well as a significant growing light demanding species (the alignment № 2, № 3, № 4). All ranges (the alignment № 2-6) differ by zonal type intermittently overgrown with little variety of indicator species (18-26 species). Shallow vegetation consists mainly of Carex and Glyceria strips of reed and cattail phytocoenoses narrow in more in-depth areas.
After analyzing the indicator species on a scale of acidity 8 species of evrybionts were defined like in other regions of Ukraine the majority of the group is comprised of neutrophils - 61.3 %.
In all parts of the group of higher aquatic plants (especially air- water ) occupy a large area, and thus form a large phytomass. This reflects a general tendency to overgrowth of shallow water - the formation of large thickets light demanding species.
Key words: macrophytes, biomonitoring, acid-base balance.
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