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The use of biology as a factor in increasing welsh onion’s productivity
The questions of vegetables’ organic cultivation require a detailed study of biological technology without the usage of pesticides. To extend the range of vegetable production on open ground draws attention to the rare plants of onions, that includes welsh onion. This type of onion is characterized by early maturation, forming crop false succulent stems and green leaves that are harvested from early spring to late autumn. Depending on sowing and planting is grown as an annual and perennial crop. In Ukraine similar studies on the impact of biological tolerance and yield Luke Welsh onion was not carried out.
The aim of the research was to evaluate the effects on growth, development and productivity of biology on welsh onion, which have fungicidal and stimulating action and rational definition of spray mixtures.
Welsh onion plants of Piero’s grade were sprayed by working solutions of studied biology such as Liposam (0.5 l/ha), Biocomplex BTU (1.5 l/ha) and Fitotsyd (1.0 l/ha). The multiplicity of spraying four times. Liposam – improves wetting of waxy, smooth leaf surface and absorption elements by foliar application. Biocomplex BTU – liquid microbiological fertilizer based on microbiological bacteria of the genus Bacillus subtilis, Azotobacter, Paenibacillux polymyxa, Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, balanced plant nutrition provides and protection from the wide range of pathogens. Fitotsyd – wide range of effect chemical fertilizer.
Scheme of planting 45х20 sm. Welsh onion was cropped in the first decade of September from annual plants by the vegetative method of reproduction. More favorable conditions for the destruction of onion’s plant Puccinia porri observed in 2012.
The highest rates of biometrics in plants sprayed by Liposam + Biocomplex BTU + Fitotsyd . The number of subsidiaries stems was 4.8 pc. / plant, leaves were 25.9 pc. , stem diameter – 22 mm, which is almost two times higher than in untreated by biologicals plants. Lower biometrics of Welsh onion sprayed by biology Liposam + Fitotsyd. Not processed biological products plants Welsh onion formed 2.9 pc shoots diameter up to 12 mm, the average height was 20.7 cm, number of leaves - 14 рs. Spraying welsh onion plants by solutions of biology has greater impact on the level of branching, leaves’ covering and diameter of subsidiary shoots than on their height.
The least damage by rust was noticed after spraying welsh onion by preparations Liposam + Fitotsyd – 5.8% and Liposam + Biocomplex BTU – 6.1%. The prevalence of rust on unprocessed areas reached on average two years of studies of 20.4%.
The capacity of Welsh onion planting annuals sprayed by biologicals Liposam + Biocomplex BTU and Liposam + Biocomplex BTU + Fitotsyd was 284-361 g/plant that for 55,2-72,7% dominates the mass of plant version control. In the structure of yield 55-63% weight stem of welsh onion’s and the rest mass of green leaves.
On average after the two years of research the highest crop capacity of welsh onion was noticed after complex spraying by biology Liposam + Fitotsyd + Biocomplex BTU – 35.1 t/ha. In 2012, when the high level of plants’ damage by rust was observed the yield of this variant was 33.5 t/ha, that for 14.4 t/ha more than from the plantations where biology were not sprayed. Productivity of plantations, processed drugs Liposam + Fitotsyd on average two years amounted to 25.6 t/ha, of the option of making Liposam + Biocomplex BTU - 31,5 t/ha.
So spraying welsh onion by solutions of biology in combination Liposam + Fitоtsyd + Biocomplex BTU provides during the growing season and harvest time low plant’s damage by diseases, promotes greater biomass, higher quality and productivity. High level of biometrics and productivity of plants Welsh onion treatment on the background biology Liposam + Biocomplex BTU.
Key words: welsh onion, subsidiary sprouts, biologic, rust, crop capacity.
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