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Тocopherol еffect on the peas’ germination (Pisum sativum L.) and formation of its biological productivity
Salt stress leads to disruption of physiological – biochemical functions of the plant organism limiting its yields. Pea is a non-salt resistant culture. One of the effective methods of plant adaptation stimulation salt stress is the use of antioxidant drugs. Tocopherol (TPh) is a power fulnatural antioxidant can affect the activity of the antioxidant system.
Objective. Find out features of the effect of biometrics index, the state of oxidative processes under the salt stress during germination of peas and the formation of its biological productivity.
Materials and methods. The object of the study was pea "Gotivskii" (PisumsativumL.). Seeds were soaked in solutions of TPh (0,01; 0,1; 0,5; 1,0 g/L) and germinated in Petridishesunder controlled parameters during 7 days long. The solution of 0.1 MNaCl was used for the induction of salt stress. The TBA-AP, proline content, the rate of protein oxidative modification, catalyses activity were determined in the course of the experiment. The laboratory germination, length and weight of seedlings and roots were determined. The vegetation experiment was carried out at the experimental field of Agrotechnological and EkologyFaculty. Sowing rate 100 seeds/m2.Anareais 2.5 m2. Crops of peas were treated with tocopherol (0,01; 0,1 g/L) twice. The leaf area index (LAI) of peas crops and the number of pods on the plant, number of seeds in pod, weight of 1000 seeds, biological yield were determined.
Results and discussion. Sprouting peas for 7 days showed that pre-sowing seed soaking in TPh solutions account for a change in the biometric index. Laboratory germination of pea seeds treated TPh in0.01 - 0.1 g/L concentration increased by 9% and 20% compared with plants on saline background. The fresh weight of 7 day-old pea’ seedling sand roots increasing by 15 % and 26% were found and the dry weight increasing by19% and 28% were found, respectively, in the case of pre-sowing soaking in solutions of TPh. The length of seedlings and root were increased under the influence of TPh (0.01-0.1 g/l ) in comparison with untreated seeds. High concentrations of TPh leads to reduction of the weight and length of pea plants.
The LPO processes intensified under the salt stress. The TBA-AP content raised in the pea tissues under this condition. The TPh treatment reduced the TBA-AP content at seedlings and roots by 17 and 27% in comparison with control plant.
Salt stress inhibited the catalyses activity in the studied pea plants, but exogenous TPh stimulated the activity of catalyses in a wide range of concentrations. Moreover, it is noted a direct correlation between the catalyses activity and the concentration of TPh. The increase of prolіne synthesis occurs during the development of the stress response and prolіne accumulation is response of the plant organism. The prolіne content reduced to the level of plants that germinated in the water under the influence of low TPh concentrations. However, TPh (0.5-1.0 g/l) caused hyperexpresion of prolіne.
Peas are high-protein crops, thus the oxidative modification of proteins negatively affects the use of the processes of plastic exchange. So, the content of OMP carbonyl group increased by almost 2 times in sprouts and pea roots under the salt stress. The application of TPh has reduced the rate of OMP by 35 % in seedlings and by 60 % in the roots.
Photosynthetic apparatus of plants is a sensitive marker to stress of different nature. It was shown that TPh stimulated the growth of pea leaves apparatus, the LAI increased in1,6 times. T Ph foliar treatment of peas crops effect on yield formation. The number of pods on the plant increased by 4.4% and also the number of seeds in pod increased by 5.0%, 1000 seeds weight increased on 3.8 g under the TPh (0.1 g/l) treatment. The biological pea yield increased by 20 % under the use of TPh.
Implication. Tocopherol in 0.01-0.1 g/l concentrations increased seedling biometric index at pre-sowing soaking pea seeds. TPh treatment led to the normalization of oxidative state of pea plants under the salt stress and this increased salt resistance of peas. TPh significantly increased the LAI under the crop’s foliar treatment, slightly increased the number of pods on the plants, the number of seeds in a pod and weight of 1000 seeds, led to increasing of peas biological productivity by 20%.
Key words: peas, tocopherol, salt stress, productivity.
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