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Potatoes quality (Solnum tuberosum L.) dependence on planting timе and microbial preparations treatment in the Carpathian Foothills
Elaboration of methodology and assessment of individual agro-ecological zones suitability for potatoes cultivation has become an urgent issue. The variety of options for eco-efficiency of the functional potato dependence on the environment and processing technology in a basic condition for the development of energy-efficient on the environment and processing technology is fundamental in the development of energy-efficient small zone of technological methods of cultivation of potato varieties most suited to specific agro-climatic zones. In addition, the efficiency of microbial preparations is highly dependent on soil and climatic conditions, so the research should be carried out in all regions of the country.
The paper aims at studying the conditions under which the cultivation and processing techniques in the Carpathian Foothills formed minimum number of non-standard potato tubers. The objective was to study the impact of abiotic factors, the planting time, processing, chemical and biological preparations on potato yield and its structure in the Carpathian Foothills of Lvov region. In addition, similar studies were conducted in different soil and climatic conditions of Lviv region where potato is grown, and in Polissya of Kiev region.
The techniques of the field research are generally excepted. Microbiological preparation Planriz (based on Pseudomonas fluorescence AR -33 , with a titer 2.5 x 109 cells/ml, consumption rate - 1.5-2.0 l/ha). Diazofit - bacterial nitrogen fertilizer ( active ingredient - Agrobacterium radiobacter, consumption rate - 0.4 l/ha). Fosforoenterin – a biological product based on phosphorus mobilizing bacteria Enterobacter nimipressuralis 32-3 (FMB - fosforomobilizator), obtained in the biological laboratory of the National Inspectorate of Plant Protection, Lviv region. Potato Treasury early maturing variety and Lileya middle- grade , given the adverse weather conditions of rain Lviv , was planted in the third week of April, the second and the third of May. The Crop was harvested in late August - mid -September.
Application of Planriza, Diazofita, Fosfoenterina and fungicide Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG in the Carpathian Foothills Fitotsida improved the yield and marketability of the potato, increased the standard parts compared to the control (without treatment). However, the application of microbiological agents compared with the control options in the average showed the formation of a greater number of marketable tubers (66,0-68,7% respectively in the control versus 69,6-80,2%), less tuber diseases (9,1-13,5% against 5,2-9,4%) and small tubers (6,9-10,1% against 5,2-7,8%).
An effective measure proved to be the combined use of Planriz and Ridomil Gold (yield of marketable tubers was 80,3-87,4% compared to 66,0-80,2% in other versions). The using of Planriz + Diazofit+ FMB primarily at 2.5 + 0.2 + 0.2 l / ha and Planriz separately was slightly less effecient.
The 1st planting time was the best in the third decade of April as it resulted information of more standard parts. For the Foothills of the Carpathians, the second panting time was significantly lower. For example, the yield of Lileya of the first term planting exceeded the yield of the second term of planting by 1.3 average, the number of diseased plants increased by 1.2-1.4 times, by - small tubers 1.2-1.8 times. Within three years of the research in all four soil-climatic zones of Lviv region - the most common and marketable tuber yield was obtained from the first planting date, that is, in the third decade of April. The third period - late May - was economically anadvisable.
The impact of polyvalent preparation on the basis of several compositions of microorganisms (Planriz, Diazofit and Fosfoenterin) with eco-physiological compatibility of bacteria is characterized by stability and efficiency in different agro-climatic conditions. Therefore, along with the need to create new high-yielding varieties, it is necessary to develop complex technical measures contributing to realize the potential of certain varieties of agro-climatic conditions.
Key words: Solanum tuberosum L., marketability, quality, planting time, microbiological agents.
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