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Forming the main ear length in winter wheat lines of different ecological and geographical origin
The paper deals with the specific features of main ear length in winter wheat lines of different ecological and geographical origin comparison of the research years hydrotertmal indexes. There has been shown the impact of main ear length on forming ears number, grains number and weight and ear density. The correlation between these indexes are discussed in the paper.
Ear structure - dependent on ear core length, number and distribution of ears, ear and flower husk size - is of great importance in photosynthetic active surface of a soft winter wheat crop.
Thus the research aimed at comparative estimation of soft winter wheat lines of different ecological and geographical origin and defining the norm of their reaction to growing condition change. It also aimed at determining correlation between main ear length and ears number, grains number and weight and ear density.
The research was conducted at Bila Tserkva research selection station of Institute of bioenergetical crops and sugar beets in 2011-2012. 11 lines of soft winter wheat of the station testing (ST) obtained by crossing sort of different ecological and geographical origin were researched. We have obtained the following lines by crossing steppe and forest-steppe ecotypes: Donetska 48 x Veselka (7ST), Donetska 48 x Bilotserkivska intensive (8ST), Povaha x Forest steppe pearl (42 ST), Luhanchanka x Bilotserkivska 71/03 (29 ST), Rostavytsa x Driada 1 (26 ST), Bilotserkivska 47 squarehead x Odes’ka 162 (24 ST); crossing forest-steppe ecotype with foreststeppe: Elegia x Forest steppe pearl (12 ST), Kyivska 8 x Rastavytsya (44 ST), Veselka x Myronivska 65 (54 ST); crossing Donetska bald ecotype sort with Century sort (USA) (22 ST); foreststeppe ecotype sort Semidwarf 3 with Century sort (USA) (17 ST). The lines of different origin were compared to each other and to the national standards of Bilotserkivska Semidwarf (Bila Tserkva research selection station), Forest steppe pearl (Bila Tserkva research selection station), Podolyanka (Myronivka Institute of wheat). The tests were conducted in accordance with the National Sorts Testing techniques. Pea was the predecessor. The machines were conventional for the Foreststeppe zone.
It has been found out that the correlation between main ear length and ears number ranges from weak to significant depending on the crossing combination. Most researched genotypes show medium correlation.
In two years on the average reliably higher main ear length than in the sort standard Podolyanka was observed in 42 ST, 24 ST lines (steppe ecotype x forest-steppe ecotype), 44 ST, 54 ST (forest-steppe ecotype x forest-steppe ecotype), and 22 ST (forest-steppe ecotype x Century).
The analysis of correlation of main ear length with ears number, grains number and weight proves the positive character of the relation and dependence on the lines origin.
By the research results we have distinguished the 44 ST line obtained by involving into the hybridization Kyivska 8 and Rostavytsa forest-steppe ecotype which showed a stable strong correlation between main ear length with ears number, grains number and weight.
Key words: winter wheat, crossing combinations, lines, ecotype, main ear length, ears number, grains number, grains weight, ear density, correlation coefficient.
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