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Soft winter wheat productivity dependence on spring vegetation renewal time in the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
The paper deals with the results of the investigation of ecological spring vegetation renewal time (SVRT) in modern sorts of soft winter wheat factor influence on their growth, development and productivity. It has been proved that in the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine the influence of SVRT ecological factor on the plants growth and development is considerable and ay should be mentioned while planning the spring-and-summer treatment measures, especially in spring fertilizing, applying pest killers and growth regulators, deciding the issues of undersow and reseeding of tilled sowing. Besides, there has been found out that SVRT ecological factor is not displayed annually, that is why predicting the type of plants development is not always possible. Yet, we can influence the plants growth, development and survival processes in spring and summer periods as well as forming their productivity by means of implementing intensive technologies, mineral nutrition optimization and applying growth regulators, microelements, weed killers, pest killers.
Key words: winter wheat, ecological factor, vegetation renewal, productivity, sort, growth, temperature, moisture providing.
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