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Consumer, therapeutic value and the suitability of different potato varieties for processing
Considering the high value of potato as one of the main food crops and the considerable diversity of varieties included in the State Register, we conducted the research and carried out the analysis regarding the availability of the components, which determine consumer and therapeutic value of tubers and their suitability for the production of potato products. Taking into account the variety characteristics, the most common potato products have been characterized.
The research has been carried out during four years with 16 varieties of Ukrainian breeding, most of them bred at the Institute of Potato UAAS, which were introduced in the State Register.
The dry matter content was determined by drying the sample of constant weight, the starch content was determined by polarimeter, and raw protein was measured via the method of Kjeldahl.
It has been established that the main criterion of variety consumption value is the content of essential nutrients, especially the dry matter, starch and protein in tubers.
The variety Zarevo (27.8 %) has the highest dry matter content and Slavyanka (17.8 %) has the lowest one. Varieties with low dry content are Vodograi (18 %), Nevsky (19.3 %), Serpanok (19.6 %), Bozhedar (19.7 %), Nezabudka (19.8 %).
Zarevo (21,1 %) and Svitanok Kyivsky (18,3 %) have the highest starch content; Slovyanka (12,2 %) and Nevska (12,4 %) have the lowest starch content.
Zarevo (2,9 %), Svitanok Kyivsky (2,6 %), Bagryana (2,5 %) have the high content of raw protein. Slovyanka (1,8 %), Vodogray (1,8 %) and Nevska (1,8 %) have the lowest one.
Molodizhna, Povin’, Svitanok Kyivsky, Ukrainska Rozheva, Iavir potato varieties are characterized by complex combination of high vitamins C, K and provitamin A indicators.
The main criterion for assessing the therapeutic properties of any variety is its antioxidant capacity, in particular the presence of vitamins A, C, E in tubers. First of all these are the varieties with yellow, purple, blue and red pulp according to the intensity of its color.
Early to medium yield potato variety Solokha bred at the Institute for Potato Research of UAAS refers to the varieties with dark blue color of pulp, and tubers starch content is 19-20 %.
As such varieties as Oberig, Svitanok Kyivsky, Poliske Dzerelo, Glazurna, Kimeria, Okolytsia have high content of carotinoids, they should be grown on the territories polluted by radionuclides.
Special attention should be paid to Fantazia variety, which gives the opportunity to produce a wide range of potato products on the level of world standards.
The potato processing is quite widespread in the world. Annually, 54 % of potato yield is processed in USA, 20 % –
in Great Britain, 38 % – in Germany.
The frozen potato products are most demanded and comprise approximately 60 % of all the production, fried potato products comprise approximately 22 % of all the production, dried products 15 % and conserved products – only 3 %.
The potato processing into crisps, chips, fried, French fries potato and mash has also become more spread in Ukraine.
Key words: potato varieties, starch, dry matter, raw protein, consumer and therapeutical value of tubers, antioxidant properties, processing, potato products.
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