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Creation of parent material of sweet pepper by the method of gametophytic selection

The efficiency of selection micro gametophyte proved by numerous experiments on different crops: tomatoes, cotton, cabbage, corn. One of the tasks of plant breeding at this stage is to obtain the variety of sweet pepper, gain resistance to extreme environmental conditions. It is important to study the possibility of selection to gain genotype of haploid level, resistance to low temperatures.

The aim of this work is to study the effect of selection in micro gametophyte F1, resistance to low and high temperatures, the structure and quality of sporophyte generation formed in sweet pepper.

As a result of multi-selection as a transitional material were dedicated lines with combined resistance to cold stress for both sporophyte and gametophyte. It is important to note that most of the samples examined had a high and early yield in protected soil conditions.

Assessment of cold-tolerance sporophyte stage on seed germination was determined according to the method VIR (1990) on the rate of seed germination at temperature 10–12 0C. At the stage of gametophyte cold resistance the ability of pollen germination was measured in conditions in vitro at the temperature 10–12 0C.

Due to the fact that when planting seedlings of pepper culture in film greenhouses, climate characterized by rapid changes in day and night temperatures, and the amount of average positive temperatures during the growing season in a northern forest-steppe, at best, is 20000 0C 30000 0C when necessary. Therefore, the use of cold-tolerance forms is especially important when creating varieties for greenhouses in this area. The evaluation of the resulting cold-resistant material showed that in a closed ground in most samples tends to increase productivity and reduce the length of the growing season compared with the original population. It should be noted the highest productivity of different samples HPPT (0,99kg / plant) Nejnost х HPPT (0,78kg / plant), Line Jemenia F7 (0.93 kg / plant) HPPT x Jemenia (0.90 kg / plant). On cold resistance lines judged in terms of relative cold resistance (CR), under which the samples were divided into 3 groups of resistance on a scale VIR (1990): group I – cold, CR = 100-75 %; group II – medium cold, CR = 31-74 %; group III – not cold, CR = 0-30 %.

The earliest in terms (98-100 days) in greenhouses were samples with conical shape of the fetus: Zr-5, KDO-16, KDO-35 and tied fruit average weight 52-100h. Characterized by high performance are line ХПТТ, Line Jemenia F7- 0.91 - 0,75kh / plants. Thus, the most promising lines for greenhouses are: Nejnost х HPPT (0.78 kg / plant, 103 days), HPPT х Dovirchivij (0,90 kg / plant, 116 days), Line Jemenia F7 (0,93 kg / plant, 95 days), Zr-5 (0,25 kg / plant, 98 days), KDO-16 (0,46 kg / plant, 100 days), KDO-35 (0,77 kg / plant, 110 days), which have a good performance capacity for fruit in adverse environmental conditions. It should be noted that the line Sp-5 has a marked signs – yellow color of the growing point, which is of great importance in the industrial production of hybrid seeds. Low stress on seed germination stage does not affect the functional performance of pollen (viability) of the samples in the evaluation of cold resistance.

As a result of multi-selection as a transitional material were dedicated lines with combined resistance to cold stress for both the sporophyte and gametophyte. Thus, the two-time selection by sporophytes and gametophytes can provide valuable source of material with combined resistance to low temperature factor for further breeding work and speed up the selection process when creating adaptive varieties and hybrids of sweet pepper in extreme environmental factors. In crossing to create hybrids with combined resistance, it is advisable to include samples with different levels of resistance to the sporophyte and gametophyte.

Key words: sweet pepper, sporophyte, gametophyte, selection, temperature stress, the line, parent material.


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