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Indicators of the photosynthetic capacity of spring wheat depending on influence of sowing methods and seeding rates
Increasing the rate of photosynthesis is a considerable reserve for crop production. The rate of photosynthesis is a crucial factor in the formation yields in cases where the action is limited eliminated most of the other factors (lack of mineral nutrients and moisture are not aligned structure of crops, etc.).
The purpose of research was to determine the combined effect of sowing methods and rates of seeding on the formation parameters of photosynthetic potential productivity of crops of spring wheat varieties Kharkivska 41.
During the researches we found significant parametric changes of the upper leaf spring durum wheat depending on influence of the studied factors. In all phases of an accounting effect of optimization the distribution of plant area was tantamount to stuffs. In particular, the band pass method of sowing area in the upper leaf stage heading, flowering and early MIA was on average 9,0 % higher than the string method.
The band-pass seeding method, compared to a string, the change of the upper leaves was significantly higher in the variants with higher seeding rate. In particular, the phase of earing increase in the area of upper leaves on a variant band pass method compared to string crops by seeding norms 450, 500, 550, 600 of us./m2 accounted for 5,5 %; 8,1; 11,8 and 16,8 %.
Optimization of feeding area decreased variance across the upper leaf area with increasing seeding rate. In particular, the area of the upper leaf of the phase of earing, depending on seeding rate on string crops varied in the range from 9,14 to 11,07 cm2, the band pass – from 11,37 to 10,72 cm2. A similar pattern was a phase of flowering and early MIA.
The maximum net productivity of photosynthesis for row method of sowing was a phase out of the tube (11,4 g/m2 per day), with the band pass – in the phase of earing (12,3 g/m2 per day). The greatest decrease in net photosynthesis productivity for string crops on the phase of tube was heading to the greater seeding rate (from 11,7 to 8,1 g/m2 per day).
Under sowing band pass net photosynthesis productivity was 5,3 % higher than a string. The difference between the net photosynthetic performances under different planting methods with increasing seeding rate gradually increased. In particular, the seeding rate of 450 us./m2 it was 0,1 g/m2 per day; 500 us./m2 – 0,3 g/m2; 600 us./m2 – 0,5 g/m2 per day.
Regression analysis found different strengths relationship between total FPP during the growing season of plants and a number of the studied parameters. The closest direct link FPP was heading into a phase with raw vegetative plant weight per unit of cultivated area (r = 0,902), and average net photosynthetic productivity of plants during the growing season (r = 0,935).
Middle forces direct relationship (r = 0,654) was between total FPP and net photosynthetic productivity in the earing phase, as well as FPP in this phase of development (r = 0,720). Middle force feedback between total FPP and raw biomass per plant is logical due to the increased seeding rate, which causes an increase in the mass of plants per unit area of crop, however, due to increased competition between plants in crops leads to a decrease in the mass of a single plant.
Indicators of net photosynthetic productivity of plants during the growing season had a strong direct relationship with vegetative plant weight per unit of cultivated area (r = 0,991) and ILP and FPP in the earing phase (r = 0,989 and r = 0,891, respectively).
Research has established the ability to manage the formation of photosynthetic potential indicators of hard spring wheat crops. Optimizing the distribution of plants feeding area contributes to a significant increase in indicators of FPP and net productivity of photosynthesis.
Proved high efficiency of interaction investigated elements of technology on the variability of parameters that determine the photosynthetic capacity of crops. The higher rates ILP, the area the upper leaf, FPP and net photosynthesis productivity were formed on the band pass crops for seed rate of 550 pieces. us./m2.
Key words: leaf area, leaf upper, seeding rate, method of sowing, spring durum wheat, photosynthetic potential, net photosynthetic productivity.
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