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Sweet cherry varieties selected by irrigated horticulture Institute of NAAS named after M. Sidorenko
Sweet cherry is a widespread fruit crop in the South of Ukraine. It opens fruit season since the third decade of May.
For the current moment the State register of plant varieties of Ukraine contains a great amount of varieties, created due to Ukrainian plant selection breeders. The most important success has been done by the employees of Irrigated Horticulture Institute named after M. Sidorenko NAAS. There are 45 sweet cherry varieties of the Institute selection in the State register of 2010, 72.6% of the varieties amount listed in the Register of plant varieties is appropriate for the cultivating in Ukraine.
The main stage of horticulture intensification is improvement of the existing assortment of fruit crops, particularly sweet cherry, which is very popular in Ukraine. The most important tasks of the modern selection is creating of extra- rare ripe and extra-late sweet cherry varieties with the aim to prolong a season of fruit consuming. The outstanding problem is producing capacity increasing and resistance to unfavorable factors of environment and also creating self-fertile varieties.
To distinguish new promising sweet cherry varieties of Irrigated Horticulture Institute named after M. Sidorenko selection, which meet requirements of modern intensive horticulture.
For the purpose to study in details the variety peculiarities of sweet cherry it was started the garden at the Agrobiological complex of Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after B. Khmelnitsky in 2001, where 26 sweet cherry varieties were planted. These varieties were selected by Irrigated Horticulture Institute named after M. Sidorenko NAAS. 11 varieties among them are included into the State register of plant varieties of Ukraine for the period since 1954 till 2002, 5 varieties for the period since 2005 till 2007 and 10 new promising varieties.
The research is implemented according to the common method.
Producing and biological specifications of the varieties regionalized in the period since 1954 till 2002 are covered in the scientific works.
5 sweet cherry varieties selected by Irrigated Horticulture Institute named after M. Sidorenko NAAS and included to the State register of plant varieties of Ukraine in 2005-2007 and 10 new promising varieties are described. The authors of varieties are N. Turovtsev, V. Turovtseva.
Zodiak variety. Yield – 180 dt/ha, fruit weight – 8.4-10.0 g, fruit color – dark red, there are many grey dots under skin, but they are not remarkable, flesh - dark red, juicy, semigristly, sour sweet, maturation date – 10-12 June, table use.
Lyubimitsa Turovtseva variety. Yield - 137 dt/ha, fruit weight – 12 g, fruit color – dark red, flesh – dark red, juicy, gristly, maturation date – 25-28 June, has good transportability and universal use.
Temporion variety. Yield – 137 dt/ha, fruit weight – 8-11 g, fruit color – dark red, almost black, flesh - dark red, juicy, sour sweet, gristly, maturation date – 25-30 June, universal use.
Totem variety. Yield – 138 dt/ha, fruit weight – 8.5-10 g, fruit color – dark red, there are many grey dots under skin, but they are not remarkable, flesh – dark red, juicy, gristly, sour sweet, maturation date – 18-20 June, universal use.
Era variety. Yield – 183 dt/ha, fruit weight – 8-10 g, fruit color – dark red, flesh - dark red, soft, juicy, semigristly, sour sweet, maturation date – 3-8 June, dessert use.
Effektnaya variety. Yield – 149.5 dt/ha, fruit weight – 8-10 g, fruit color – dark red, there are many grey dots under skin, but they are not remarkable, flesh - dark red, juicy, sour sweet, semigristly, maturation date – 10-12 June, universal use.
Udacha variety. Yield – 138 dt/ha, fruit weight – 8-9 g, fruit color – dark red, flesh – red with white veins, juicy, sour sweet, gristly, maturation date – 26-28 June, universal use.
Avangard variety. Yield – 151 dt/ha, fruit weight – 9-10 g, fruit color – dark red, flesh - dark red, juicy, gristly, maturation date – 22-23 June, universal use.
Bigarreau Turovtseva variety. Yield – 158 dt/ha, fruit weight – 9-11 g, fruit color – dark red, there are many grey dots under skin, but they are not remarkable, flesh - dark red, juicy, gristly, sour sweet, maturation date – 28-30 June, available for the high quality processing products and has good transportability.
Seyanets Turovtseva variety. Yield – 146 dt/ha, fruit weight – 10-12 g, fruit color – dark red, there are many grey dots under skin, but they are not remarkable, flesh - dark red, juicy, gristly, maturation date – 23-24 June, has good transportability and universal use.
Modnaya variety. Yield – 138 dt/ha, fruit weight – 9-10 g, fruit color – pink and yellow, there are many white dots under skin, but they are not remarkable, flesh – cream-colored, juicy, gristly, sour sweet, maturation date – 18-20 June, table use and all kinds of processing.
Novinka Turovtseva variety. Yield – 195 dt/ha, fruit weight – 10-12 g, fruit color – dark red, flesh - dark red, juicy, gristly, sour sweet, maturation date – 10-15 June, the variety is remarkable for its good transportability and has universal use.
Trudovaya variety. Yield – 185 dt/ha, fruit weight – 9 g, fruit color – dark red, flesh - dark red, juicy, gristly, sour sweet, maturation date – 7-15 June, universal use.
Vizitka variety. Yield – 180 dt/ha, fruit weight – 8.5 g, fruit color – dark red, flesh – dark red, juicy, gristly, maturation date – 12-15 June, transportable, universal use.
Pamyatnaya variety. Yield – 161 dt/ha, fruit weight – 9-10 g, fruit color – dark red, flesh - dark red, juicy, gristly, maturation date – 9-12 June, universal use.
Conclusion. The new promising sweet cherry varieties are distinguished, such as Effektnaya, Udacha, Avangard, Bigarreau Turovtseva, Seyanets Turovtseva, Modnaya, Novinka Turovtseva, Trudovaya, Vizitka, Pamyatnaya, the varieties are able to yield every year high quality fruit.
Key words: sweet cherry, variety, yield, fruit weight, fruit color.
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