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Features of symbiotic productivity varieties of beans which depend on sowing methods in conditions of western forest-steppe
Beans refers to the agricultural cultures, which play an important role in the complex process of circulation of substances. The ability of root nodule bacteria (Rhizobium) fix atmospheric nitrogen in symbiosis with leguminous plants important for human economic activities. The legumes ability to fix molecular nitrogen plays a valuable role in the life of the biosphere of the planet Earth, as there is a connection between nutrition and schedule. Important role in increasing the symbiotic plant productivity have beans which make the accumulation of mass nodules that affects the general and active symbiotic potential.
The experimental part of the research was carried out during 2009-2013 on the experimental field Podilsky State Agrarian-Technical University.
The assess of the symbiotic productivity of crops beans was determined by dynamics of accumulation of mass nodules on the root system of plants beans. In particular, we found that as the number of nodules, and their weight grew during flowering plants beans, and in the period of forming the seeds, all of these processes have been reduced both in quantity and weight measurement.
The lowest flowering total mass nodules 195,8 mg/plant, average for the period of studies was established in crops varieties Kharkovska shtambova that visualise normal string method of sowing (inter-row spacing of 15 cm). At the same time the mass of the active nodules was poor, the weight of which was on average 122,5 mg/plant. The highest values were wide-row sowing way on the variant varieties Mavka and was 294.3 and 215.1 mg/plant, respectively.
The results were obtained from material quantity and mass of nodules and dynamics of its development during the vegetation periods. We calculated the total and active symbiotic potentials analyzed crop beans which depen on the cultivar and sowing methods (table 1).
Table 1 – General and active symbiotic potential of beans varieties depend on the time of sowing and collection period, thousand kg of day/ha (average for the years 2009-2013)
The method of sowing |
Grade |
General symbiotic potential |
Active symbiotic potential |
Regular line (row spacing 15 cm) |
Kharkovska shtambova |
3,07 |
1,46 |
Nadiia |
3,89 |
1,65 |
Bukovinka |
3,96 |
1,71 |
Mavka |
4,15 |
1,92 |
Podolyanochka |
4,02 |
1,86 |
Regular line (row spacing 30 cm) |
Kharkovska shtambova |
3,41 |
1,67 |
Nadiia |
4,18 |
2,27 |
Bukovinka |
4,23 |
2,32 |
Mavka |
4,36 |
2,44 |
Podolyanochka |
4,27 |
2,36 |
Wide-row (row spacing of 45 cm) |
Kharkovska shtambova |
3,54 |
1,72 |
Nadiia |
3,67 |
2,08 |
Bukovinka |
3,83 |
2,11 |
Mavka |
4,57 |
2,65 |
Podolyanochka |
4,32 |
2,37 |
So, as a result of the carried out calculations it was found that these figures according to the factors of our experience ranged: General symbiotic potential 3,07-4,57 thousand kg of day/ha and active symbiotic potential 1,46-2,65 thousand kg of day/ha.
So, as a result of the calculations, it has been discovered that indicators depend on sowing methods and varietal beans. Lowest-common symbiotic potential in the experience of 3,07 thousand kg of day/ha was identified for crop varieties Kharkovska shtambova while sowing normal lowercase way with width of 15 cm between rows, and the lowest active symbiotic potential 1,46 thousand kg of day/ha was found on the same version. The highest rates of symbiotic potentials: General (4,57 thousand kg of day/ha) and active (2,65 thousand kg of day/ha) reached from the variety Mavka with wide-row sowing way with width of 45 cm row spacing.
Key words: beans, grade, ways of sowing, inter-row spacing, phases of growth and development, symbiotic performance.
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