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Peculiarities of growth and development of plants and yield Muscat pumpkin, depending on the age of seedlings in the seedling cultivation way

In the article the results of research of growing Muscat pumpkins seedling way, growth and plant development, yield depending on the age of seedlings in conditions of forest-steppe of West. It is established that the age of seedlings affect the value of the crop and gives an opportunity to receive early products, on 17-20 days earlier for the first time of sowing seeds in open ground. The optimal age of seedlings defined 20 days, which provides the highest yield of fruit pumpkin − 37,6 t/ha We found that yields fruit Muscat pumpkin to some extent depended on the age of nursery plants − 16%, from the year conditions of growing − 44%.

The experimental part of the research was carried out during 2010-2013. Seedlings Muscat pumpkin grew by different plant age: 15, 20, 25 (control), 30 days in spring and film greenhouses cassette way. For studies used a variety Gilea. The composition of the mixture consisted of sod, lowland peat, rotted compost in the ratio 1:1:2. The seeds were sown with 20 April directly in the cell cartridges size 12×12 cm long, 1-2 pc. Seeds top covered rundowns, watered and covered with agrovolan. Planted seedlings in the second decade of may according to the scheme 70×120 cm when the soil warms up to 12ºC.

We established that biometrics seedlings grow depending on the duration of cultivation. On average for the years of researches for the period transplanting the greatest height 25.7 cm was in plants the age of 30 days. It is explained by the large size of plants, and the best lighting conditions. According to this indicator the length of stem plants age of seedlings - 25 (control) and 20 days, amounted to 23,6 and 20,5 see Seedlings at the age of 15 days was the lowest and amounted to 15,4 see.

The vegetation period and its duration crops, as well as Muscat pumpkin is a genetically determined basis.

Based on the data obtained in the result of the research conducted for the growth and development of plants pumpkin nutmeg in conditions of open ground after transplanting, found that the length of the growth period of plants depends on the age of seedlings and the timing of its landing in the open ground. The shortest period, from planting seedlings before flowering 13 days in plants the age of 30 days, and technical ripeness was reached on the 29th day after planting in open ground.

As show results of researches, establishment of optimal age of seedlings on the duration of the periods indicated advantage marked plants at the age of 20 days. The bloom is on the 20th day, and the harvest of 36 days from planting of the seedlings into the open ground. The development of seedlings at the age of 15 days, has been slower, so the number of days from planting seedlings to bloom here, the largest - 24 days and technical maturity 43 days, respectively.

During the research was observed differences in the level of productivity depending on the age of seedlings. The obtained results confirm that productivity of fruits pumpkin nutmeg depends on the individual performance of plants.

The lowest yield was observed in 2013, and the highest in 2011 and 2012 Comparing moisture conditions during the years it should be noted that the most favorable for the growth and development of plants pumpkin nutmeg and formation of high harvest was 2011. Results of studies in 2011 productivity of fruits amounted to 40,7 t/ha provided a variety Gilea 20 daily seedling, and for 15 daily – 38,9 t/ha, 25 daily – 37,4 t/ha and 30 daily – 36,3 t/ha, respectively.

In 2012, the highest yield 38.4 t/ha is obtained from planting seedlings at the age of 20 days (control). Seedlings at the age of 15 days gave productivity of fruits – 36,7 t/ha, 25 days – 1,2 t/ha and 30 days – 34,9 tons/ha.

Productivity of fruits in 2013 34.9 t/ha accounted for planting seedlings in the age – 20 days. Seedlings at the age of 15 nights – 33,2 t/ha, 25 days – 33,0 and 30 days – 9,5 t/ha, respectively.

We have found that the productivity of fruits pumpkin nutmeg to some extent depended on the age of nursery plants – 16%, from the year conditions of growing – 44%. The share of influence of other unaccounted factors amounts to 38%.

So, experimental studies have established that the sowing time and age of seedlings cassette affect the value of the crop Muscat pumpkin and give the opportunity to receive early products, 17-20 days earlier for the first time of sowing seeds in open ground. The optimal age of seedlings is 20 days. Productivity of fruits Muscat pumpkin to grow seedlings way was the highest in the variant with planting at the age of 20 days and accordingly was 37,6 t/ha.

Key words: Muscat pumpkin, age of seedlings, growth and development, productivity.


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