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Growth and development features of biological forms of sugar beet which depend on sawing norm of seeds
Two factors influence on plants growth and development: the organism nature and the existing conditions in the nature. As numerous researches show, each beet field was linked with the soil fertility, and estimated before root harvesting is different plant groups by weight presence. Near of 70-80% crop plants present average and below average and about 20-30% higher than the average plant mass. The large number of plants average and below average weight reduces sugar beet yield.
Productivity of sugar beet field agrophytocenoses in the system of production is determined primarily by element: variety (hybrid) – seed. Therefore, an important role in the formation of high yield and technological properties of roots is belonging of sugar beet hybrids. Development and implementation of high-performance technology of sugar beet growing became possible because of the creation by breeders genetically highly monogerm varieties and hybrids that are based on CMS. To the State Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine in 2009 year were included more than 120 monogerm varieties and hybrids of sugar beet of domestic and foreign companies with a common selection. In Ukraine on the large areas are grown national monogerm varieties and monogerm hybrids that by the complex of features (productivity, environmental stability, resistance to diseases, especially rotting of roots crops) have high potential seed plants, and their productivity in the conditions of Ukraine are competitive. In addition, they are adapted to the zonal variations of high-productivity technology of sugar beet production. Operational implementation of this technology into production will enable to increase the yield of sugar per hectare. Very important is the study of the features of growth and development of sugar beet new hybrids in relation to a particular area (microzone).
During research years was not noticed in avarage a significant difference for the duration of shoots occurrence that depends on the biological form of sugar beet. Thus, on the first day of germination the number of their shoots in the variant of Ivanovo-Veselopodilskyy ChS 84 triploid hybrid was 53.4% (for seed norm 8.6 pc. /m), but in diploid hybrids were 51.6–53 4%, and on the eighth day was respectively 99.3 and 99.0–99.5%. Almost the same was the intensity of shoots occurrence with a norm of seed sowing of 8.6 pc./m and 7.1 pc./m.
On average over the four research years the highest field's germination was observed in Ivanovo-Veselopodilskyy ChS 84 triploid hybrid with the seeding rate of 8.6 pc./m and 7.1 pc./m it was –70%. It is shown the tendency of field germination decreasing in diploid hybrids (from 70 to 68–69%) and its increase – with a lower norm of sowing.
The results of the research found that the growth and development of plants in the studied biological forms of sugar beet were uneven.
Monitoring of the dynamics of sugar beet plants depends on the biological forms and shows that the power of their growth in the initial period of growth was higher in triploid hybrids than in the diploid. Since the mass of 100 plants in the phase of the first pair of true leaves, during year in average was on 1.0–2.9 g, which is higher in triploid, than diploid hybrids. The biggest mass of 100 plants was observed in Umansky ChS 97 and Ukrainian ChS 72 hybrids – 74.4 g per seeding rate of 7.1 pc./m. Minimum weight of 100 plants was observed in fields where was sown Leopard diploid hybrid – 70.6 g per seeding rate 8.6 pc./m and 72.6 g per seeding rate 7.1 pc./m. Within the limits of one biological form of sugar beet the difference on this indicator is not observed practically, but a significant difference is obvious and depends on the norms of seeding.
Thus, in the Umansky World 97 triploid hybrid the mass of 100 plants on average per years was 73.3 g, while in the Ukrainian ChS 72 diploid hybrid – 73.5 g.
Regarding to the infestation of different sugar beets forms by Black foot, it must be noted that in average during research years was observed a tendency to greater infestation of plants by Black foot in triploid forms than in the diploid. This index in the Ukrainian ChS 72 diploid hybrid of seeding rate was 10.0–10.2%, while the Ivanovo-Veselopodilskyy ChS 84 triploid hybrid – 10.7–10.9%. That is, if the higher the rate of seeding, so it would be the higher index of affection of plants by
Black foot.
Key words: sugar beet, biological form, seeding norm of seed, plants growth and development, field germination.
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