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High-quality indexes and productive properties triploid hybrid of sugar beet «Alexandria» depending on the size of factions and methods of preparation of seed
On forming of root crops of sugar beets is a number of important factors with high technological indexes, one of the major is quality of sowing material. In fact the use of seed of sugar beets of high quality – makes this culture crop highly technological and highly profitable.
Quality of seeds is the aggregate of signs and properties of sugar beet seeds , which characterizes their accordance the set requirements to sowing material. Sowing qualities are formed at creation of hybrids, growing of seed and preseed preparation on seminal factories. Pre seed treatment is the finishing stage of preparation of seed and quality of sowing material depends on his technological mode.
In this connection actual is a study of features of forming of harvest of triploid CHS the hybrid of sugar beets depending on the methods of preparation of seed and growing of him in concrete ground-climatic terms. For using of encrusted and dragee seeds his quality must answer to modern standards. With the purpose of decision of scientific and practical problems, related to growing of sugar beets at sowing of dragee and encrusted seeds of CHS the hybrid of sugar beets of different factions, and our researches were conducted.
The aim and task of researches. Study of features of forming of harvest of of triploid hybrid of sugar beets , depending on the methods of preparation of dragee and encrusted seeds of different factions in concretely ground - climatic terms.
Experiments from determination of sowing qualities and productive properties of dragee and encrusted seeds of different factions of CHS the hybrid of sugar beets depending on technology of preparation conducted in 2012-2013 in laboratory and field terms educational-scientific experimental center of BNAU. In the field experiments the registration plottage was 25 m2., repeated fourfold.
Researches conducted, using the seed of triploid hybrid of sugar beets «Oleksandrija». The chart of experience included the following variants: 1) bitten-into seeds - (control), 2) encrusted seeds (faction 4,5-5,5 mm), 3) encrusted seeds (faction 3,5-4,5 mm), 4) dragee seeds (faction 3,0-3,5 mm), 5) dragee seeds (faction 3,6-4,0 mm), 6) dragee seeds (faction 4,0-4,5 mm).
In the article deals with the information in relation to the increase of sowing qualities and productive properties of seed of triploid hybrid of sugar beets . The problem was settled with carrying out tests, in which certainly optimum faction of seeds at growing in concretely ground climatic terms. Technology of preparation of dragee and encrusted seeds of large factions of CHS of hybrid of sugar beets with the use of aggregate results of researches provides its laboratory germination, leveling and one shoot at the level of 90% and higher, field germination – 72-81%, collection of sugar – 7,4 – 8,7 t/ga.
On the average for 2012-2013 years the lowest germination of seeds in laboratory terms was observed in dragee faction 3,0-3,5 mm – 82% and the greatest at the encrusted seeds, faction 3,5-4,5 mm – 96%.
Dragee seeds, faction 3,6-4,0 mm made on the third day of germination – 65%, on fourth (energy of germination) – 77%, on tenth (germination) –88%. In faction 4,0-4,5 mm on the third day germinated seeds 75%, on fourth – 85%, and on tenth – 91%, that had the best indexes among factions of dragee and bitten-into (control) seeds.
Quality of the encrusted seeds in laboratory terms was the best after dragee and it is bitten-into (control). So seeds in faction 4,5-5,5 mm germinated on the third day - 80%, on fourth (energy of germination) – 94% and on tenth (germination) – 95%. The best result was by the encrusted seeds, faction 3,5-4,5 mm, where germinated on the third day - 81%, on fourth – 94% and on tenth (germination) – 95%.
On the average for 2012 – 2013 researches it was set that the least stairs on the 14 day - 53%, on the 16 day -55% and on the 18 day - 57% of the dragee seeds of faction had 3,0-3,5 mm, and most of stair at the encrusted seed faction 4,5-5,5 mm on the 14 day - 71%, on the 16 day -74% and on the 18 day - 81%. For years the leadthrough of researches amount of stairs of dragee seeds of factions 3,6-4,0 mm and 4,0-4,5 mm yielded to the encrusted seed of faction 3,5-4,5 mm and factions 4,5-5,5 mm on 6%. And that is why, it is possible to draw conclusion, that at the insufficient amount of fallouts in a period, «sowing is a stair» the germination of the encrusted seed is higher then of dragee seeds.
Key words: sugar beet, triploid hybrid, inlaid seeds, fraction of seeds, germination of seeds, dragee seeds.
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