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Soft winter wheat lines grain productivity obtained from the interbreeding of parental forms of different ecological and geographical origin
The article deals with the number peculiarities of main ear grains forming and the number of grains of secondary ears in the lines of soft winter wheat of different eco- geographical origin in contrasting of hydrothermal indicators years of research . There have been established the correlation between the number of grains head and of the main ear and its weight and number of grains from the main ear and number of grains of secondary ears of plant mass and weight of grains per plant .
Productive capacity is the most important property of the variety. Therefore, one of the main areas of winter wheat breeding is genetic varieties increase in productivity as the main factor characterizing their economic value.
The study aims at a comparative evaluation of soft winter wheat lines by the number of grains of the main ear, number of grains of secondary ears and determining the rules of their reaction to changing growing conditions. It was also important to detect correlations between the number of grains from the main ear with its weight and the number of grains of the main and secondary ear ears with a mass of plants and grain weight per plant.
The degree of correlation between the structure elements yield was determined by the analysis of 25 plants in a threefold repetition, selected at the beginning of full ripeness of wheat.
The correlations between the number of grains from the mainear and the plant mass were characterized as positive, varied significantly depending on the selection of parental forms and years of research. The strength of the relation between these traits in 2011 varied from mild to significant. In 2012, the correlations were tighter and varied from moderate (17 CC ) to strong in line 54 CC. Stable and known for its strength the correlation was observed in lines 26 CC and 29 CC.
Having analyzed the correlation between the number of grains of the main ear and grain weight per plant we found a positive relation, which changed the conditions significantly, and the selection of the original parental forms. depending on the genotypes involved in the hybridization strength of correlation in 2011 ranged from mild to significant (r = 0,20 ± 0,186 ... 0,63 ± 0,127). In 2012 there have been established a much closer correlation (r = 0,42 ± 0,159 ... 0,88 ± 0,072).
The study has given reasons to make the following conclusions.
Significantly higher rates than in the better class standard of Bilotserkivska Napivkarlykova (39.2 pc), the number of grains of the main ear was observed in lines derived from crossing varieties of steppe ecotypes Odessa 162 with radiomutant of bilotserkivska 47 ( squarehead ) of steppe ecotypes.
Significantly higher rates (64.9 units ) of the number of grains of secondary ears than in the standard sort of Bilotserkivska Napivkarlykova (57.4 pc ) were observed in lines 22 CC obtained by crossing varieties of steppe ecotypes Donetsk beardless variety of geographically distant sort of Sentury (USA).
Correlations between the number of grains of the main ear and its grain weight, the mass of the plant and grain weight per plant were described as positive, which varied significantly depending on the selection of parental forms and years of research. The mosy close ties (significant, strong and very strong close to the functional) were determined between the number of grains of the main ear and its grain weight.
Correlation between the number of grains per plant and plant weight and grain weight per plant in most lines were positive and were characterized as strong and very tight, close to functional.
Key words: winter wheat, crossing lines combination, ecotype, the number of grains of the main ear, number of grains of the secondary ear, grain mass, plant mass, the correlation coefficients.
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