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Economic evaluation of soybean growing under different technologies
Profit is a main objective for any industry. That is why scientific recommendations concerning improvement of growing crops technology must involve economic justification.
The purpose of our research was to analyze influence of variety characteristics, seeding rate and method of crops care on crop capacity of soybean plants and to determine economic evaluation of the experimented elements of soybean growing technology.
The scheme of the experiment had three factors:
1. Varieties: Romantyka and Ustya;
2. Method of crops care: without care, mechanical, chemical;
3. Seeding rates: 600, 700, 800 and 900 thousand/ha.
Soybean was sowed in the third ten-day period of May by the ordinary drill sowing method with 15 cm interrows space. The crops were treated differently on every variant, according to the terms of the experiment scheme. In the variant with before shoots appearing and two after appearing shoots harrowing have been done, mechanical method was applyied. On the variants of the experiment with chemical method of crops cultivation weeds were regulated by sprinkling crops in the phase of 3 the truel leaves with the mixture of insured herbicides Bazagran, 48 % aqueous solution (bentazon), in the doze of 2l/hа and Phuzylad Super, 12,5 % (phluazyfop-P-butyl), in the doze of 2l/hа.
The field experiment was performed during 2007 – 2009.
Economic evaluation of the results was made according to market prices of 2015 year.
Having analyzed the calculations of economic evaluation of research results we have to admit that Romantyka variety should be grown with seeding rate of 800 thousand/ha with applying mechanical method of crops cultivation. The level of profitability according to this technology was 157,44 %. A high index of 148,61 % was obtained on the variant with the seeding rate of 700 thousand/ha and with mechanical method of crops care.
The results of Romantyka variety growing using the chemical method reached the profitability level of 27,06-81,60 %.
We got the lowest economic effect on the variant with seeding rate of 900 thousand/ha and of 800 thousand/ha. Seeding rate of 700 thousand/ha was the most optimal seeding rate on the crops with chemical method of crops care. Growing Ustya variety using mechanical method of crops care also helped to get higher level of profitability than growing by chemical method of crops care.
The profitability level of 80,37–114,34 % was obtained using technology of soybean growing of Ustya variety involving mechanical method of crops care. The maximum result was provided under seeding rate of 900 thousand/ha. The profitability level of 33,93–46,88 % was obtained using chemical method of crops care. The best result was obtained on the variant with seeding rate of 900 thousand/ha.
The following conclusions have been made up:
1. The maximal crop capacity of 2.61 t/ha of Romantyka variety was obtained on crops with the seeding rate of 800 thousand/ha under mechanical method of crops care. Ustya variety formed the highest crop capacity at the level of 2.46 t/ha on crops with the seeding rate of 900 thousand/ha under mechanical method of crops care. It has been found out that Romantyka variety reacted better to mechanical method of crop care and variety Ustya reacted better to seeding rate increase.
2. The largest amount of field cost is necessary for implementation of technology of soybean growing with seeding rate of 900 thousand/ha and with chemical method of crops care. We got production with the highest cost under the same technology and the lowest cost of 1 centner of the main products was obtained on the variant of Ustya variety with mechanical method of crops care.
3. We obtained maximal gross production under sowing soybean of Romantyka variety with seeding rate of 800 thousand/ha and using mechanical method of crops care. Growing of soybean applying such technology provided the highest income. Rather less income was obtained due to growing soybean of variety Romantyka with seeding rate of 700 thousand/ha and using mechanical method of crops care.
4. The level of profitability is an economic category determining profit obtained on one spent hryvna for producing products and evaluated by percents. The technology of growing soybean variety Romantyka using mechanical method of crops care and with seeding rate of 800 thousand/ha provided maximal level of profitability of 151.97 %. We also obtained the high level of profitability of 147.13 % under growing Romantyka variety soybean using mechanical method of crops care and with seeding rate of 700 thousand/ha.
Key words: economic evaluation, efficiency, crop capacity, soybean, seeds, prime cost, profit, profitability.
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