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Inheritance and transgressive variability of general and productive tillering of intraspecific hybrids of winter wheat
The paper highlights some features of common inheritance and productive tillering of F1 hybrids. Analysis of F1 hybrids showed the complex nature of genetic determination of total tillering. The degree of dominance (hp) ranged from minus 3.2 to 8.0. Inheritance of productive tillering hybrids F1 in most crossing combinations occurred on the type overdominance (hp = 2,0-39,0). The degree of positive transgressions of total tillering in F2 hybrids ranged from 16.7 % to 60.0 % with a frequency of 4,8-20,0 %. A significant influence
on the parameters and frequency of transgression has the character of inheritance index in F1. The highest rates of transgressive
variation for grain weight with the main spike characterized the hybrids observed in F1 heterosis. The studies found Missia
Odeska / Vidrada, combination which had a degree of positive transgressions productive tillering at the level of 66.7 % with
a frequency of 8.0 %.
An important task in the soft winter wheat breeding is to create varieties with high levels of productivity and adaptability to adverse environmental conditions.
Tillering is an important feature in natural evolutionary adaptation cereals tolerate adverse conditions in generating high yield of winter wheat. The basis of plant life is a dynamic process of autoregulation of ensuring the survival of a wide range of environmental changes. The adaptation of plants to environmental changes is active, providing a flow of adaptive responses that are dependent on the genotype and the complex operating factors.
Most of the varieties form 30-50 % of grain yields on the stems of other orders. On the thinned sown areas the share of productive crops stems of other orders in the formation of the grain reaches 60-70 %.
However, not all sprouts give spicewood stems, thus, the distinction is made between general and productive tillering.
Studying the nature of inheritance of quantitative traits of wheat plants is a prerequisite for the development of the strategy selection process and, in particular, sampling methods.
Most hybrids of the second generation in terms of general tillering and at its maximum value exceeds the parental forms.
Analysis of F1 hybrids of winter wheat found the complex nature of genetic determination of total tillering. The degree of dominance (hp ranged from minus 3.2 to 8.0. The most common type of inheritance is intermediate (-0,5 ≤ hp ≥ 0,5).
The degree of positive transgressions of total tillering in the studied F2 hybrids ranged from 16.7 % to 60.0 % with a frequency of 4,8-20,0 %. A significant influence on the parameters and frequency of transgression has the character trait of inheritance in F1.
Inheritance of productive tillering by F1 hybrids in most crossing combinations took place by the type of positive superdominance (hp = 2,0-39,0).
The studies found the combination of Mis. od/Joy, which had a degree of positive transgressions productive tillering at the level of 66.7 % with a frequency of 8.0%.
The prospect of further research is the selection and evaluation of the hybrids on a complex of economically valuable traits. Among the best combinations we have conducted selections aimed to create a new source material for breeding varieties with high levels of productivity and adaptability to adverse environmental conditions.
Key words: winter wheat, total and productive tillering, the combination of crossing hybrids, inheritance, the degree of dominance, the extent and frequency of the transgression.
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