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Post storage quality of domestic and foreign selection sugar beet roots
High poductivity and technological quality of modern hybrids roots become apparent due to the heterosis effect and high genetic potential of the original parental forms. Much has been done in this area by the breeders who select the source material, taking into account not only the roots yield and the sugar content as well as all the elements and features of the crop the formation.
Due the economic crisis in Ukraine, sugar beet growing volumes as well as the volume of raw materials harvesting reduced dramatically, which resulted in decrease in the processing season length from the optimal of 90 to that of 15-40 days. The storage duration has decreased as well. However, total losses of the raw materials and sucrose at factories are high (3.8 and 1.12 % relative to the beets weight), and at some enterprises they are very high (5.10 and 2.45 %).
Sugar beet crops examination during the growing season shows that roots rotting, their scab infestation are mostly found on the fields where hybrids of foreign origin were sown. Thus, in Vinnitsa region (Lyulynetska-settled Experimental Breeding Station) the amount of decayed roots in Sonia, Extra, Pearl and Gala hybrids amounted to 10-15 %. The examination of fields of several farms in Kyiv region showed that scab infestation in Gala, Lena, Kiva hybrids reached 70 %, rot infestation rose up to 20-30 %. There was no rotten roots in the domestic hybrids and the amount of scab infestation there reached 25 %. Even under growing foreign hybrids on the basis of intensive technologies at research stations in different soil climatic zones of the Forest-steppe and the Northern Steppe, foreign hybrids were more infested.
Therefore, research was conducted to study the productivity of roots grown in similar agro-climatic conditions during the storage.
The research aimed at evaluating the productivity of domestic and foreign selections sugar beet hybrids during storage. The experiments were conducted in 2013-2014 on the experimental field of Educational Scientific Research Centre of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University. In field experiments, discount land The accounted area of the field experiments was 25 m2e,
the repetition was quadruple.
Sugar beet hybrid seeds of domestic (Ramses, Pryz, Umansky, ChS90), joint (Vorsar) and foreign selections (German – Olesya KVS, Nastya KVS, Swedish – Hazeta, Attac) were used for the research.
The samples storage duration ranged from 32 to 70 days. The average daily losses in sugar were determined using the analytical data.
We have studied sugar beet hybrids productivity of domestic and foreign selections during storage.
Phytopathological examination of beet roots was conducted during the tests samples formation. It was established that hybrids in growing conditions were infested with common and surrounding scab, and some of them were infested with fusarium or root rot. German hybrids scab infestation in the growing season was 8-20 % and infestation with brown rot was 8 %. German hybrid Nasty KVS, Swedish Attac and Ukrainian Ramses were infested to a greater extent.
Thus, we can conclude that foreign selection hybrids are rather sensitive to the growing conditions during the vegetative period.
Therefore, infested storage roots were discarded during the storage during formation of grid sample to study the stability of sugar beet of various selections. As the studies show, the benefits of most hybrids of foreign origin have been lost in both technological quality and productivity, even under short-term storage, especially at high temperatures. That is why, it is better to harvest and process them without storage both at the beginning of the production season and in the period of beets mass harvesting.
Key words: sugar beet, hybrids, root, domestic breeding, foreign breeding, joint selection.
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