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The influence of mineral fertilizer and foliar feeding on the yield and quality indicators of mustard seeds

The article presents the results of studies of the fertilization level influence of mustard species (Sinapis alba, Brassica juncea, Brassica nigra) on the formation of its yield and seed quality in the conditions of the Northern Forest Steppe of Ukraine. It was found that each type of mustard responds positively to foliar fertilization with the bio activator of Florone flowering. However, the level of effectiveness of this method depended on the saturation of the studied variants with mineral nutrients and the reaction of the variety to this agricultural measure. The highest yields of mustard were provided by variants with the maximum level of saturation with nitrogen fertilizers against the background of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers at a dose of P60K90. However, the maximum response of the studied varieties of mustard species to foliar fertilization depends on the fertilizer and is the highest in white mustard when N30P60K90 is applied (23.9 %), gray mustard – N45P60K90 (19.4 %) and black mustard – N30P60K90 – 18.3 %. Based on the experimental data obtained, it was found that in mustard varieties, the crude protein content in seeds did not change significantly under the influence of elements in the cultivation technology. In the variants with the introduction of the preparation Florone for the Etalon variety, the protein content was 26.4±0.10 %, Mriya variety – 23.0±0.01 % and Tsarivna Pivnochi – 26.4±0.21 %; oil content, respectively – 41.2±0.10 %, 43.6±0.09 % and 40.0±0.03 %. Indicators of the level of yield and oil content in seeds depended on the influence of the studied factors and determined its total yield, providing a maximum, at the highest level of fertilization in combination with the fertilizer florone – in white mustard of the Etalon variety at the level of 0.93 t/ha, Sarepta mustard of the Mriya variety – 1.01 t/ha and black mustard of the Tsarina of the North – 0.85 t/ha.

Key words: oil content, protein content, oil yield, main fertilizer, foliar fertilization, fertilizer level, yield, quality indicators.


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