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Review and main aspects analysis of fire protection of forest ecosystems in current conditions

In today’s world fire protection is considered to be of great importance for forest ecosystems. Thus, it requires complex approaches. The main aspects include rapid response, prevention, monitoring and post-fire regeneration. Due to climate change, anthropological impact and increased forest fire frequency modern measures are adapted to new challenges. Forest fire prevention is the basic element of fire safety aimed at avoiding fires. Such preventive measures include forest clearing, creating of firebreaks, raising of public awareness of fire safety, and restricting of vehicle entry and fire burning during fire danger periods. This article points out the necessity of timely fire monitoring and detection using new technologies that enable recognition of fire ignition and estimation of the situation. It is important to use satellite data, video surveillance systems to pinpoint areas of fire ignition and analyze the forest fire extent. Drones are also used for patrolling large territories, fire detection in hardto-reach areas, and weather forecasting (temperature, humidity, wind) in order to identify fire risk zones. The issues of rapid response to forest fires and their timely extinguishing, both manually and with the use of technology, were considered. It has been proven that forest restoration after fires is an important component of ecological balance. There is a need to analyze the ecosystem state and apply corrective measures. Considerable attention should be paid to the protection of biodiversity, especially to the protection of rare species of flora and fauna that may be affected by fires. The issues of implementing innovations to improve the efficiency of fire protection are covered: the use of algorithms for analyzing weather data and forecasting fires, the use of mobile applications and automated response systems. Fire protection of forest ecosystems today is a combination of modern technologies, effective management, social responsibility and adaptation to climate change. An integrated approach and rapid response help to minimize damage and ensure the sustainability of forest ecosystems in the future.

Key words: forest ecosystems, fire protection, biodiversity, innovations, extinguishing agents, technologies. 


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