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Modern technologies for creating and maintaining lawns using small-scale mechanization tools: review

The analysis of technologies for creating lawn covers and the garden equipment used to create lawn coverings shows that there are modern methods and tools capable of ensuring the establishment and maintenance of high-quality lawns under various soil and climatic conditions. However, in Ukraine there is no scientific basis for adapting these technologies to the specific conditions of the country, which emphasizes the need for further research in this area. Integration of modern technologies and equipment while considering local conditions will significantly enhance the quality of lawn covers in Ukraine. Urbanized ecosystems serve as alternatives to natural ones, where lawns play a key role. They retain soil moisture, function as green lungs by producing oxygen and phytoncides, and inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Lawns have a significant impact on human health, promoting relaxation, aesthetic satisfaction, stabilizing the nervous system, cleansing respiratory tracts, and improving vision. They are important elements of greenery, influencing the oxygen component of the atmosphere. Creating lawns requires a comprehensive approach, including soil preparation, seed selection, watering, mowing, and fertilization. The use of modern technologies and specialized equipment such as seeders, mini-tractors, automated irrigation systems, and aerators greatly enhances the efficiency of lawns care. Choosing of qualitative seeds and appropriate grass varieties is crucial for creating a healthy and aesthetically pleasing lawn. Professional lawn mowers are also important for maintaining high-quality lawn cover. Creating and maintaining a lawn is labor-intensive work that requires significant labor and material resources. Therefore, mechanizing manual labor and automating irrigation significantly ease both lawn care and the process of its creation.

Key words: lawn, grass stand, amenity, landscape, park, meadow cultivation, mechanization of gardening and park works.


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