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Artificial intelligence as a driver of change in modern agriculture

This article examines the essence and characteristics of artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications in various agriculture segments. Special attention is paid to the challenges of implementing AI in crop production, animal husbandry, resource management, and analytical processes. The role of robotics is examined as a key factor in the digital transformation of the agricultural sector, facilitating the adoption of new production approaches. The article highlights the main advantages of AI in the agricultural sector, such as the automation of routine tasks, reduction of manual labor costs, increased production efficiency, and the creation of new products. The use of intelligent technologies optimizes resources and boosts productivity, contributing to the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises. The article also reviews global experiences in the implementation of AI and robotics in agriculture. Examples of successful use of these technologies by leading companies are provided, along with an analysis of the experience of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises. Positive aspects of AI implementation, such as increased efficiency and crop yields, are studied, while drawbacks and risks associated with adapting new technologies to the specific conditions of Ukrainian agriculture are also highlighted. The conclusions of the article emphasize that the use of AI is a promising direction for the development of the agricultural sector. AI technologies help address key challenges related to food security and sustainable development. Despite the challenges and risks, AI's potential to enhance agricultural production efficiency is significant, and the future of agriculture largely depends on the further development and implementation of these technologies. The widespread introduction of intelligent technologies can not only transform agricultural processes, but also make them more environmentally sustainable and economically profitable in the long term.

Key words: artificial intelligence, agricultural sector, innovative technologies, agriculture, crop production, animal husbandry, robotics, machine intelligence.


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