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Winter wheat new varieties productivity under different agroecological conditions
The influence of environmental factors on the new registered soft winter wheat varieties adaptability, plasticity and productivity display has been studied. It has been found out they are characterized with different ecological capacity, show profound specific response to agroecological conditions in their cultivation areas. It has been found out that the new registered varieties of winter wheat realize their natural productive potential differently in different soil and climatic zones, environmental and and under varying weather conditions and stress.
Boriya, Gilea, Konka, Fermerka, Zhadana, Melodia Odes’ka, Shchedrist’ Odes’ka, Sorrial varieties are better adapted to the steppe zone conditions and provide higher productivity. However, hydrothermal conditions are different in each subzone, microzone and geographical spot of the zone, which causes plants different heat, light and moisture provisionand the shifts in the timing of onset and duration phonological phases setting and organogenesis duration, changes in the growth and reproducing processes intensity, shooting density formation, plant survival, changes in the reaction to the agrotechnological techniques which ultimately affect the the crops productivity. That’s why the studied varieties formed different productivity in different ecological conditions under conditions of individual breeding stations.
Some of the new registered soft winter wheat varieties are not adapted to soil and climatic conditions of the steppe zone, especially on the feautures of cold- and drought resistance, stress factors endurance and varying weather conditions. Miheltsa, Stab, SHTRU 061884, Sofiyka, Chornobrova, Midas, Lukullus and other varieties form lower productivity in the steppe zone.
It has been found out that the highest tolerance and adaptation to the forest-steppe soil and climatic conditions is typical for Gilea, Boria, Astarta, the Nyva Odes’ka, Shchedrist’ Odes’ka, Melodia Odes’ka, Prydnistrovs’ka, Sorrial, Dagmar and other varieties. Among them, the highest productivity potential have Shchedrist’ Odes’ka, Boriya, Malynivka, Gilea, Sorrial varieties. For three years their productivity in Man’kivka breeding stations and in Vinnytsia regional center ranged from 8.66 to 9,76 t/ha for three years. In some subzones and microozones of many regions other varieties had high productivity rates. However, for Miheltsa, Stan, Sofiyka, Chornobrova and Bilyava the conditions of forest steppe zone not fully meet their biological properties, which resulted in a lower yield.
Polissya zone agroecological conditions crovide better realization of the natural potential of Boriya, Gilea, Coloniya, Midas, Sorrial varieties. Their average yield at the examination establishments in Polissya zone is 5.69 - 6.18 t/ha, they took first place in the productivity research at all points. In the Andrushivka breeding stationi subzone the first two variaties formed the yield of 7,15-7,19 t/ha.
The research results reveal that winter wheat varieties with optimal genetic information program must be chosen for each ecological region that would embody the highest number of useful features and properties. The basic requirement of the varieties placing in soil and climatic zones, subzones, microzones must be the compliance of a variety properties to the natural environmental conditions, farming and economic environment in which it is grown and their adaptive capacity.
New varieties of winter wheat resact distinctively to agri-environmental conditions in their cultivation areas. The latter have a significant impact on the variety adaptability, plasticity and productivity display. To solve the problem of the environmental adaptability and unleashing the performance potential it is necessary to introduce a differentiated approach to their placement in the agro-climatic zones, subzones, microzones in accordance with the varieties requirements for breeding and biological properties.
For a set of of ecological adaptability, plasticity and performance indicators, Melodia Odes’ka, Shchedrist’ Odes’ka, Boriya, Gilea, Zvytiaha, Konka, Fermerka varieties should be placed in the steppe zone; Boriya, Gilea, Astarta, Nyva Odes’ka, Shchedrist’ Odes’ka - in the forest zone; Boriya, Gilea , Nyva Odes’ka, Oberih Myronivskiy, colonies, Dagmar, Midas, Sorrial, Balaton – in Polissya zone.
Melodiya Odes’ka, Boriya, Gilea, Sorrial, Dagmar varieties are notable for their wide agroecological adaptability and plasticity as well as for their genotype ability to realize their potential and resist the specific environmental conditions.
Key words: winter wheat, varieties, genetic potential, productivity, biological properties, agroecological zones, subzones, microzones.
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