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The effect of cultivation technology on the productivity and yield of oilseed flax in the conditions of unstable moistening in the growing region

The article is devoted to the study of the productivity formation, seed quality and yield of oilseed flax under traditional and organic cultivation technologies. Cultivation of this crop is more profitable than cereals, and the growing demand of European countries against the background of exports decrease in exports from global producers provides the prospect for increasing sown areas in all soil and climatic zones of Ukraine, which determines the relevance of the research topic. The purpose of the paper is comparison of productivity elements, seed quality, and oilseed flax yield under traditional and organic cultivation technologies in terms of hydrothermal conditions of the region. The research was carried out in Poltava region during 2020-2022 using the «Vodogray» oilseed flax variety. The farming techniques corresponded to the cultivation area. According to traditional cultivation technology the main soil tillage provided an autumn combined tillage system with the herbicides application for weeds control. According to the organic cultivation technology, agrotechnological measures were carried out in particular pre-sowing seed treatment with a growth biostimulator and the trichogram using to destroy pests. It was found out that the oilseed flax plant's height under organic growing technology was 4.6-9.9 % higher than the flax plants under traditional technology. The unfavorable impact of weather conditions on plant height was 3.7 % less under organic technology. A comparison of the elements of flax culture productivity on average over the study years proved the advantages of organic growing technology over traditional: the number of pods per 1 plant was 5.91 pcs. or 8% more; seeds number per 1 plant – 45 pcs. or by 18.4% more; seeds number in 1 box – 7.52 pcs. or by 7.6 % more; seed weight from 1 plant – 0.31 g or 6.9% more; the 1000 seeds weight was 7.15 g or 8.2% more. It is worth to note that on average over the years of research, the fat content in oil flax seeds was 42.4% for traditional technology and 43.4% – for organic technology, which contributed to oil yield from seeds – 6.63 and 7.39 t/ha correspondingly. At the same time, the average annual yield under organic technology was 1.7 t/ha, which is 9% more than under traditional technology.

Key words: organic technology, traditional technology, production elements, fat content, oiliness.


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