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Sanitary condition of pine plantations of the Polyssia of Zhytomyr region
The sanitary condition of pine plantations in the conditions of Polissia of Ukraine was assessed. Derevostan grows in different types of forest vegetation conditions B2GDS, B3GDS, C2GDS, C3GDS. According to the data of 27 circular trial plots, which were established during 2018–2020 in the territory of the State Enterprise Zhytomyr LH Berezivske Forestry, the State Enterprise Korostyshivsk LH Ivnitske Forestry, the State Enterprise Korostensky LH APC Melenivske Forestry, which covered the typical growing conditions of pine plantations of Zhytomyr Oblast. The index of sanitary condition showed that the pine forest belonged to strongly weakened stands. Analyzing the sanitary condition during the research period, it is worth noting that in 2018, the tree stand of the plantations in the Ivnytsia Forestry was weakened, and the average index was 2.42. In Berezivsk and Melenivsk forests, the sanitary condition index was 2.58 and 2.67, which indicates that the degree of damage is average, and the plantations are strongly weakened.
Based on the results of the research, it was established that in 2019 the sanitary condition in the Bereziv forestry improved and amounted to 2.12. By state category, the largest number of I category is 2019 – 40.0 %, 2019 II – 27.6 %. In the Ivnytsia forestry, the sanitary condition index was 2.52, the plantations were greatly weakened. In the Meleniv Forestry, the average sanitary condition index of 2.44 indicates that the tree stand is weakened.
It is proven that in 2020 the sanitary condition improved compared to other years of research and amounted to 2.11. In Ivnytsia Forestry, the sanitary condition remains very weak. In the Meleniv Forestry, the average sanitary condition index was 2.29, which indicates that the tree stand is weakened.
It has been established that pests, diseases and forest fires are the biggest deterioration of the sanitary condition in the territory of Zhytomyr Oblast. To prevent the development of these negative factors, it is necessary to create mixed pine plantations, to carry out timely felling of forest care.
Key words: condition categories, sanitary condition index, type of forest vegetation conditions, completeness, Scots pine.
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