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The density of the structure of dark gray podzolized soil under different tillage systems under crop rotation
The results of studies on the influence of tillage systems on the density of the structure of dark gray podzolized soil under crops in a four-field short-rotation crop rotation (winter rape – winter wheat – corn for grain – spring barley) in the stationary field experiment of the Institute of Agriculture of the Western Polissia of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine during 2016 are shown. – 2020. In the experiment, three tillage systems were studied (shelf by 20–22 cm, shallow by 10–12 cm, surface by 6–8 cm) against the background of mineral fertilizers N128P90K120 kg/ha of the crop rotation area.
It was determined that at the time of spring germination and spring weeding of winter crops under the shelf system of soil cultivation, a plow layer was formed under the crops of the crop rotation, which was characterized by a compaction density close to the optimum – 1.06–1.33 g/cm3. Under no-shelf tillage under crop rotation, the 0–30 cm soil layer was differentiated by compaction density into the upper loose 0–10 cm layer with a density of 1.13–1.24 g/cm3 and compacted to 1.30–1.41 g/cm3.
The lowest soil compaction density was in winter wheat, spring barley, and corn crops under the shelf and shallow tillage systems in soil layers of 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm, where it was, respectively, in the range of 1.06–1.19 g/cm3 and 1.17–1.25 g/cm3. Noticeably, the density of the soil compaction increased during crop rotation during surface tillage under winter rape in the soil layer of 10–20 cm to 1.36 g/cm3 and in the soil layer of 20–30 cm to 1.47 g/cm3. The compaction density under the surface tillage system under winter rape in the 20–30 cm soil layer increased by 0.14 g/cm3, compared to the wormwood tillage system for this crop.
The system of shelf and shallow soil cultivation in crop rotation creates better conditions for optimizing the agrophysical fertility indicators of dark gray podzolized soil and provides the highest crop yield in crop rotation, compared to the surface 6–8 cm system, and made it possible to obtain yields of 6.80 and 6.32 respectively t/ha of winter wheat 5.19 and 4.99 of spring barley 11.25 and 11.33 of corn and 2.97 and 3.05 t/ha of winter rapeseed. From the application of surface tillage to a depth of 6–8 cm, the yield of winter wheat decreases by 1.45 t/ha, spring barley by 1.69 corn by 3.66 t/ha and winter rapeseed by 0.30 t/ha compared with a shelf tillage system.
Key words: compaction density, tillage, shelf, shal-low, surface, productivity, crop rotation.
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