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Treptolem effects on oil poppy morfogenesis, productivity and qualitative characteristics
Oil Poppy is a valuable food and technical culture. The seeds of poppy are used in a pastry shop and bakery industry. The poppy oil obtained by the coldpress method of long time does not turn rancid, which determines its high food value and wide use in bakery and canning industry.
Gradual production of this crop increase is foreseen In Ukraine, according to the Government program of poppy cultivation development. Application of economically expedient cultivation methods able to provide high seed yields is an important means of increasing oil-bearing crops productivity, including to the poppy.
The analysis of the world crops growing trends progress testifies that applying crops height synthetic regulators is one of the priority directions of solving the problem of high and stable yields. This compounds group gives the opportunity to regulate purposely the separate ontogenesis stages in order to mobilize the crop potential possibilities that influences agricultural products productivity and quality. Thus, the paper aims at defining treptolem influence on productivity, morfogenesis and oil content in the poppy seeds.
The field experiments were held in the village of Borivka, Chernivtsi district, Vinnytsya region in 2010, in the village of Kuz’myn, Krasyliv district, Khmelnytskiy region in 2011, in the village of Tokarivka, Jmerinka district, Vinnytsya region in 2010 on Berkut oil poppy variety. The experiment areas were 10 м2. Plants were treated singly with treptolem solution concentration of 0,025 – 0,035 ml/l in June 16, 2011, June 18, 2010. and June 17, 2014 in the budding phase by sprinkler. The control crops were sprinkled by tap water. Treptolem influence on poppy morphogenesis, productivity and poppy oil content and quality characteristics was studied in the field experiment.
It was found out that poppy treatment with treptolem caused increase in linear sizes, stems thickening and more intensive branching, leaves area and mass increase. More powerful leaf apparatus formation ensures increased productivity of poppy oil crops. Applying the substance causes positive changes in the yield structure – increase in fruit number per plant, seeds number in boxes, the seeds weight. This contributed to poppy productivity increase. The substance action increased oil content in poppy seed, improved its qualitative characteristics.
In particular, under the influence of treptolem both the anumber of saponification number and aethereal number grew in comparison to the control. The increase of iodic number in comparison to the control proves the increase of nonsaturated fat acids content. Yet, decrease in acid value is observed. Thus, the regulators treated crops quality oil is higher compared with the control.
The food value of poppy oil is determined largely by the fat acids profile. Palmitic, palmitolein, stearin, olein, linolic, arachic, α- linolenic acids presence was defined in Berkut poppy variety seed, the oils food value and the significance for the human and animals organisms are different.
The analysis of correlation between nonsaturated and saturated higher fat acids testifies that treptolem treatment provide the increase in the content of the nonsaturated fat acids.
Key words: oil poppy (Papaver somniferum), growth regulator, treptolem, productivity, oil quality, higher fat acids.
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