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Assessment of the combined pesticide and cadmium load on the soil using higher plants
The multicomponent nature of agroecosystem pollution complicates the effectiveness of the ecotoxicological control. The danger of the combined pesticide and cadmium soil load was investigated in the laboratory conditions using agricultural plants (test crops). The aim of the study was an integral assessment of the complex impact of pesticide and cadmium soil contamination on wheat Triticum aestivum L. by biotesting. The widely used pesticides in agriculture were tested: systemic fungicides Azimut (a.i.: tebuconazole, 125 g/dm³ + triadimefon, 100 g/dm³), Azimut Classic (a.i.: tebuconazole, 250 g/dm³) and soil-acting herbicide Extrabit (a.i.: S-metolachlor, 960 g/dm³). The levels of Cadmium accumulation by plants (by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy) and pesticide active ingredients (by high-performance liquid chromatography with a mass detector) were determined. It was found that a exceeding the rate of pesticide application leads to their accumulation by plants. At combined soil load with Cadmium (3-fold maximum allowable concentration, MAC) and the associated pesticide, an increase in the accumulation of active ingredients by plants is observed (tebuconazole by 1.85 and 1.47 times for Azimut and Azimut Classic, respectively, and S-metolachlor by 1.47 times for Extrabit) compared to a single pesticide. In addition, phytotoxicity of pesticides was noted in the conditions of the experiment. Thus, for the fungicide Azimut and the herbicide Extrabit, a decrease in the initial growth rate of plants (length of roots and seedlings) by more than 40 % was found, which indicates a level of phytotoxicity above average. It was concluded that new pesticide formulations (including soil-acting pesticides) should be tested for toxicity in relation to higher plants. This is important for development of countermeasures to reduce pesticide accumulation in agricultural plants, especially in conditions of soil contamination with heavy metals.
Key words: biotesting, combined action, pesticides, cadmium, phytotoxicity, Triticum aestivum L.
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