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Species and quantitative composition of the mycoflora of gray forest soil in intensive horticulture and crop production
The article examines the mycoflora of the soil in different areas of agricultural land use for intensive cultivation of crops. The aim of the article is too study the number of soil mycoflora in different areas of agricultural land use with intensive cultivation of crops (horticulture and feld crop rotations). In the conditions of Vinnytsia region the quantitative and species composition of fungal groups of gray forest soil under intensive horticulture and crop production was studied. Research on microbiological diversity of soils were carried out in the Tivriv district of Vinnytsia region on the example of agricultural land of the LLC «Agro-Etalon». Soil microorganisms are convenient object of observation. Based on the analysis of literature sources, the determining role of microorganisms in maintaining homeostasis, restoring soil fertility and crop formation has been established. The study of the qualitative and quantitative state of the soil microbiota allows to improve the conditions and methods of agriculture in order to improve the state of the soil microbiota, and hence soil fertility. As the result the most common types of soil micromycetes characteristic of both studied objects were identifed. Among them are Penicillium rubrum, P. variabile, P. canescens, Arthrinium phaeospermum, Mortierella alpina, Trichoderma harzianum, T. viride and Fusarium graminear. The structure of the microbial coenosis and the ratio of the number of ecological and trophic groups of microorganisms differ depending on the direction of use of agricultural land. The soils of the apple orchard under intensive horticulture contained a smaller total number of thousands of colony-forming units per gram of soil, saprotrophic fungal species and are represented by a much smaller list of fungal genera compared to the soil under intensive vegetation. At the same time, it should be noted that soils under orchards were characterized by a higher share of pathogenic, potential toxin-forming fungi and antagonist fungi than the total number of isolated fungi compared to soils used under crops.
Key words: soil, fungi, mycoflora, micromycetes, intensive gardening, intensive crop production.
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