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Estimation of multigerm paternal components of sugar beet hybrids on the efciency parameters and test hybrids created on their basis
The paper reveals results of research on multigerm pollinators (МP) estimation – candidates in paternal components of sugar beet hybrids and new hybrids created with their participation. The best multigerm forms with a complex of morphological attributes with stability to complex conditions of an environment and various valuable properties were selected for the research. The satisfactory estimations on weight root were observed in the the descendant pollinators: 2RkБЗ5/ C229/15–116.5 %; 3RkБЗ6/O238/15–143.4 %; 4RkБЗ7/ M317/15–139.6 %; 4RkБЗ7/M321/15–122.5 % to the standard. They were at a level of the group standard in the sugar contents that ranged from 105.4 up to 109.2 %. To study the candidates in МP profoundly and defne their combinational ability we investigated them in hybridization with МS tester using the "topcross" method. A yield of one plant, on the average, was received in МP 81 g with the germination capacity the standard seeds (Ø3.5–Ø5.5) – 91 %, for МS of testers 58 g and 92 % accordingly, at monogerm of trial hybrids (MTH) – 68g and 94 %. Weight on 1000 МP fruits made 16.1 on average, МS tester – 11.4 g, MTH – 12.3 g. The parameters of quality seed, reveal the presence of valuable genotypes in the researched selection material with high degree seed yield, similarity and monogerm. New promising MTH efciency was studied in preliminary seed-trial. The hybrid 465 contained 17.38 % sugar under productivity of 61.1 t/ha, standard – 16.75 % and 54.2 t/ ha accordingly. The best results were obtained in 436, 444 and 443 hybrids, which reliably exceeded the standard in the experiment. Their productivity ranged within 62.3 and 66.6 t/ ha. The investigated hybrids, have exceeded the standard on root productivity by 8.1 t/hа, 12.4 and 10.2 t/ha according Hybrids 436 and 465 were noted for their sugar content (106.7 % and 103.9 % respectively). Hybrids 436 and 444 were the best for their sugar yield and exceeded the group the standard in the experiment by 22.1 and 22.5 % accordingly, which confrms high combinational ability of their parental pairs.
Key words: breeding, genotype, hybrid. sugar beet, heterozis, efciency.
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