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Yielding of seed crops of millet and economic efficiency of using recommended elements of the technology

Analysis of forming peculiarities of the cereals market in Ukraine demonstrates a constantly growing interest in millet purchasing from not only national customers but also export-oriented companies. Thus, only in conditions of 2011/2012 marketing year millet export increased more than two times – to 57.8 thousand tons and according to analysts in the following years it could reach 65 thousand tons.

One of the measures to improve the efficiency of growing high-yielding millet crops is to use high quality sowing material adapted to specific soil and climatic conditions of varieties. Thus, according to scientists the impact of this factor in forming level of crop yielding ranges from 8 to 50 % or more under different conditions, while the proportion of seed cost in the overall cost of growing technology can reach 25 %.

The aim of research was to improve elements of technology and economic efficiency of growing high-quality millet seeds by selecting predecessors, systems and levels of fertilizing, timing, methods of sowing and rates of seeding, peculiarities of threshing and duration of softening rolls that will provide improving of yielding properties of millet seeds in conditions of unstable humidity of Southern Right-Bank Forest.

Field studies were done during 2003–2014 in the experimental field of educational and scientific-industrial complex of Uman National University of Horticulture which is situated in Mankivka natural agricultural area of Middle-Dnieper-Bug district of Ukrainian Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Province.

Economic evaluation of using studied technological elements was carried out by the method of determining economic efficiency of using results of scientific research and development kinds of work, new equipment, inventions and innovations in agriculture.

Obtained results and analysis of economic efficiency indicators point to the fact that in a Right-Bank Forest-Steppe the most efficient investment in technology of seed millet crops provides applying of a complete mineral fertilizer in the rate of N60P60K60 in combination with sowing not later than the second decade of May by the conventional line method and seeding rate of 3.5 million units of similar seeds/ha. If it is necessary to postpone sowing to a later date wide-sowing with seed rate at the level of 2.0-2.5 million units of similar seeds/ha provides greater profitability. Using separate threshing of seed crops when it is 65-70 % degree of seed ripeness in a panicle with the duration of softening rolls no longer than six days will allow receiving the maximum cumulative profit for two generations. Direct threshing is appropriate only when in the dead-ripe stage of ripe crops to 85-90 % of mature seeds in panicle, followed by its use in food and feed purpose.

Using recommended agricultural methods will ensure the return of production costs and high profitability for next extended reproduction and development production and fully satisfy interests of agricultural commodity producers.

Key words: millet, seeds, productivity, maternal crops, crops first seed progeny, economic efficiency.

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