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Yield features variability in collection samples of winter garlic in the conditions of Forest-steppe of Ukraine
The conducted phenological observations results reveal that the shoots in all sorts of specimens appeared almost simultaneously. The first shoots were received on March 22 in IOB00172 (control), IOB00004 Non-Shooting 2-tier, IOB0008S 201/10 Merefiansky, IOB0042-14-118 IU26321, IOB00003-Biryuchekutsky local, IOB001SO-ІU 058060, IOB00092-4 IU 047990, IOB00170 Duchess variety samples. there were other samples shoots rose in 1-3 days, which is not a significant difference.
The largest diameter of the bulb of the winter garlic was obtained in the sort samples of IOB00160IU046S76 (41 mm), IOB 00153 b/n (38 mm) IOB 0001S / 18IU14967 (37 mm). This feature was the smallest in sort samples of IOB00009-40-4 IU 19327 and IOB00132IU047784 and was only 22 mm.
The weight of the bulbs of different varieties of winter garlic samples was small and primarily depended on the size of the planting material – the cloves. The weight of the bulb was the highest in the IOB00160IU046S76 and was about 42.5 g, and the IOB000132IU047784 sample had the lowest weight – 17.5 g as the clove weight was the largest in the first variant of the experiment and amounted to about 8.7 g, and it was only 2.5 g for second variety. In the ranking of varieties by the size of the bulbs, one can also note the IOB0001S/18IU14967 and IOB00153 b/n samples, with the average weight of 6.3 and 5.5 g.
The diameter of the winter garlic clove ranged from 9 to 16 mm in the nursery. The best results for this feature were obtained in cultivating the IOB00160IU046S76 variety, where the diameter of the clove was 16 mm, while in the control IOB00172 it was 14 mm. IOB003 Biryuchekutsky local sample had the smallest size of the clove – 9 mm.
The number of cloves in the garlic bulb was the largest for the control variant of IOB00172, it amounted to 7 pieces. It is worth noting that the number of cloves in the bulb varied in a small range. The smallest number of them were for IOB00009-40-4 IU 19327 and IOB00117IU04789 samples, it amounted 4 pieces.
The obtained data indicate that more favorable conditions for the growth and development of winter garlic plants were in 2016. It was this year that a variety with the largest bulbs with an average weight of 45 g was found – IOB00160IU046S76. On average, the weight of the bulb of this variety exceeded the control sample by 6.5 g.
The smallest bulbs formed in IOB00009-40-4 IU 19327 and IOB00132IU047784 samples. In 2015 the bulb weight of the amounted 11 and 10 g respectively, and in 2016 it amounted up to 15 g. On average, these varieties formed the bulb of 12.5 and 13 g respectively in two years.
The yield of winter garlic variety specimens during 2015 ranged from 2.8 to 11.8 t/ha. It was the highest in the sample of IOB00009-40-4 IU 19327, and the lowest – in IOB00132IU047784. In 2016, the varieties yield increased due to larger amount of precipitation during the vegetation of the plants. The yield correlates with average weight of bulbs. For example, the average for the last two years, the lowest yields were found in specimens with the bulb weight of 12.5 – 14.5 g (IOB00009-40-4 IU 19327 – 13 g, IOB00117IU04789 – 14.5 g, IOB000167IU1S032 – 14,5 g, IOB00132IU047784 – 12.5 g). They bulbs yield ranged from 3.5 to 4.0 t/ha.
Garlic covers plants that adapt slowly to new cultivation conditions. That is why we have studied the adaptability of the collection varieties. The value of the Lewis stability coefficient (S.F.) indicates that the IOB0001S/18IU14967, IOB00160IU046S76, stability coefficients of which approximated to 1.0 and did not exceed the value of 1.1, were the most adapted to the conditions of the Bila Tserkva area. Along with them sorts samples of IOB00172 (control), IOB00003-Biryuchekutsky local, IOB00132 IU047784 and ІОБ00117IU04789 can be marked as their stability coefficients did not exceed 1.2. The following varieties were adapted worse: IOB00153 b/n (SF-1.6), IOB00132IU047784 (SF-1.5), IOB00009-40-4 IU 19327 (SF-1.4), IOB000167IU1S032 (SF-1.4).
Key words: winter garlic, variety, vegetation period, bulb weight, clove weight, yield capacity.
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