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Varieties of tomatoes productivity depending on the landing age of the seedlings and spatial location on the area
Tomatoes are one of the most important and most common vegetables. The introduction of new technologies of intensive cultivation provides the ability to increase the yield and quality of fetus.
We were studying methods of obtaining high yields of highly differently ripening domestic breeding tomato varieties for a long period. Biometrix (plant height, leaf area) of submitted tomato varieties that characterize there growth and development during the growing season were the best plants planting seedlings in phase of 7-8 real leaves.
According to the phenological observations we can see the next appearance of tomato's real leaves. The first real leaf of seedlings appeared in 15-17 days. The fourth real leaf of early-ripening tomato variety Anastasia appeared 25 days after sowing, which is 12 days earlier than its appearance in the middle-ripening variety Jubilee Tarasenko. In 7-10 days after the formation of the fourth real leaf of tomato started the the main stem growth and the formation of lateral shoots. Phase of flowering and the formation of the first fetus of tomato starts the most rapidly in the early-ripening variety Anastasia in 44 and 53 days respectively.
At the beginning of the growing of tomatoes, before we plant them in the open soil, we determined their individual biometric parameters ( height of plants, thick of stems, area of the leaf), which can characterize the growth of represented varieties .
According to the average data , the maximum height of the main stem of plants were characterized by the middle-class tomato Tarasenko - 39.4 cm at planting seedlings into the soil during the phase of 3-4 real leaves. The height of the early tomato variety Anastasia was lower then 2 - 5cm.
The stem in the middle-class tomato is thicker (0.54-0.67 cm).
The largest area of leaf of tomato seedlings before planting in open soil was formed in the middle-class variety Jubilee Tarasenko during 7-8 leaf stage of development is 733 cm2 for one plant, early-maturing variety of Anastasia in the phase of 5-6 leaves is 680 cm2.
Biometric parameters of leaf area of plant tomato seedlings in two months after their planting showed its small size of their controlled variant compared with transplanting in the phase of 5-6 real leaves.
It can be explained by the greater length of seedling survival of control variant, yellowing and extinction of the lower leaves, decrease of assimilation of the surface.
So, the intense rate of growth of leaf surface occurred in the form of transplanting in phase of 5-6 real leaves, whereas during transplanting in the phase of 3-4 real leaves, they were slowler because their nature biometric indicators were worse. The height of the main stem of tomato plant was the highest of the both varieties ( according to 69.7 and 74, 8 cm), but the stem was thicker in the phase of 3-4 real leaves.
Crop capacity of tomatoes of different varieties was the highest during planting phase of 7-8 real leaves. Its value was 15 and 16.5 kg cm / 5 m2, 2.3 and 2.8 kg compared with variants where seedlings are used in the phase of 3-4 real leaves.
Researches has established that the maximum crop capacity of tomatoes was provided by the planting of 45×20×15 cm of middle-class Jubilee Tarasenko - 17.9 kh/5m2, what is increased into 1.4 kg compared with a control variant. The plan of planting tomatoes was optimal for early ripening variety Anastasia (yield 17.5 kh/5m2) and the increase of crop capacity compared with controls was 2.5 kh/5m2.
So, the highest crop capacity of tomatoes was obtained by the transplanting in the phase of 7-8 real leaves. We should note the highest marketability of fetus (94.3 - 97.3%), especially in areas where seedlings are planted in the phase of 3-4 real leaves. The optimal plan of the transplanting tomato can be considered 45×20×15 cm.
The growth and development of plants, flowering and fetus formation of early ripening variety of tomato Anastasia was accelerated to 12-18 days compared to the middle-grade Jubilee Tarasenko, so you can get earlier production of marketable products.
Key words: varieties of tomatoes, productivity, seedling, spatial location.
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