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The variability of elements of the productivity of ear spring barley depending on the sort genotype and degree of defeat illnesses

Resistant varieties – one of the important components of integrated protection. The main areas in breeding is to improve productivity and product quality, resistance to diseases, pests and adverse environmental conditions. Breeding success in the creation of resistant varieties is determined using proven in this particular region sources and donor stability of barley against major diseases.

Weather conditions in April-June 2010 and 2012 promoted the development and spread of causative agents of diseases, optimal moistening – 1.1 and 1.3 respectively. Weather conditions in 2011 contributed to the moderate development of diseases due to high temperature and low rainfall 9 – the lack of moisture.

Development of Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei in 2010 was 23.7%, in 2011 – 7.8%, 2012 - 25.6%. The average lesion of sorts Drechslera graminea Ito by years was low: 4.1%, 9.0% and 4.9% respectively. Development of Bipolaris sorokiniana Shoem. for 2010-2012 – 23.9%, 14.1%, 42.2%; Drechslera teres Ito. – 26,3%, 9,3% and 10,7%.

In collection nursery garden spring barley was studied 170 samples of different origin. For 3 years on the provocative backdrop against pathogen of powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis f. Sp. Hordei) was selected highly resistant and resistant varieties of spring barley: Eunova (Austria), Danuta, Barke, Adonis, Marnie, Bojos, Landora, Serva (Germany) Nansy (Sweden), Yevroprestyzh (Ukraine), Henley, Bojos (Czech Republic) and others.

On the artificial infectious background of leaf spot pathogens of spring barley: dark brown (Bipolaris sorokiniana Shoem.), Striped (Drechslera graminea Ito.) and netted (Drechslera teres Ito.) was studied the stability of sorts. As a result, was selected varietie, that have shown resistance to certain diseases as well as to the complex. These classes are Sontsedar, Hadar, Aeneas, Aspect, Etiquette, accomplishments, Star, Yevroprestyzh (Ukraine); Zadonskiy, Rubicon (Russia); Burstine (Belarus); Celinka, Delta (France); Eunova, Secuwa, Panowama (Austria); Madeira, Serva, Landora, Ria, Danuta, Makay (Germany); Nansy (Sweden); Dominique (Netherlands); Sebastian, Torgal, Genley, Ballini, Vivaldi, Кangu (Czech Republic) and others.

The number of grains in the ear is closely related to the productivity and is determined by the environmental conditions during periods of laying, ear differentiation, flowering and seed formation and can be changed widely.

The amount and weight of grains in the ear is caused hereditarily, but it is determined by the influence of different environmental conditions. The intensity of disease lesion effect is influenced by decrease in weight of grain. On formation of a larger amount of grains have an important influence other environmental conditions, especially weather.

As a result of our research, we have identified three sorts. According to the number of grains of the main ear they were at the level of the standard Commander and exceeded it from 0.1 to 2.7 units (after about three years): Eunova (Austria), Danuta, Serva, Barke, Adonis, Marnie (Germany) Yevroprestyzh (Ukraine), Henley, Bojos (Czech Republic).

Cultivars that showed high stability and resistance to pathogens, had higher grain weight ear compared with varieties that have a high degree of damage. As a result of research, we have selected varieties, that by mass of grain of a main ear exceeded the grade-standard Commander on 0,01-0,18 g. There are such sorts as Eunova (Austria), Danuta, Serva, Barke, Adonis, Marnie (Germany), Nansy (Sweden) Yevroprestyzh (Ukraine), Bojos (Czech Republic).

Key words: spring barley, sources of stability, Erysiphe graminis, Drechslera graminea, Bipolaris sorokiniana, Drechslera teres, amount of grains from a main ear, mass of grain from a main ear.


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