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Value of farmer practice ХVІІІ ages in an improvement and changing of the systems of agriculture
The far of highly productive agrotechnical receptions which differed carefully thought out and conducted taking into account soil-climatic terms was used in agriculture of ХVІІІ age. of central provinces of Russia. Farmer experience was locked in the narrow local scopes of districts, separate settlements and not enough synthesized agronomical science. The role of farmer practice is rotined in perfection and changing of the systems of agriculture.
The traditional and progressive systems of agriculture, technology of mechanical till of soil and application of organic and mineral fertilizers, methods of determination of quality of earths, are reflected, the agrotechnical measures of growing of agricultural cultures and their place are most widespread in a crop rotation. Attention is accented on the measures of recreation of fertility of the different ground abolitions, system of basic till of soil, zonal placing of cultural plants, nasinnictvi, terms of sowing and collection, norms of sowing, gruntoobrobnikh instruments which was used in the peasant and nobiliary economies of ХVІІІ age.
Key words: tilling practice, system of agriculture, fertility of soil, fertilizers, cultures, treatment of soil, terms of sowing, norms of sowing.
1. Komov Y.M. O zemledelyy / Y.M. Komov. – M.: Typ. Ponomareva, 1788. – S. 20, 3, 223-246, 173-179, 130-153, 30-40, 333-335.
2. Central'nyj gosudarstvennyj arhyv drevnyh aktov (CGADA), f.1274, d.3165, ll.1-148.
3. CGADA, f. Dvorcovogo otdela, op. 39, d. 779, ll. 40-44; d. 792, ll. 1-42 ob.
4. CGADA, f. Dvorcovogo otdela, op. 39, d. 779, ll. 17-23.
5. Petrovskaja Y.F. Nakazy votchynnym prykazchykam pervoj chetverty HVIII v. / Y.F. Petrovskaja // Ystorycheskyj arhyv. T. 8. – M., 1953. – S. 226-230, 268, 231-233.
6. Zaozerskyj A.Y. Carskaja votchyna v HVIII v. / A.Y. Zaozerskyj. – M., 1937. – S. 84, 231.
7. Andreev A.Y. Nakazy votchynnomu prykazchyku /A.Y. Andreev// Ystorycheskyj arhyv. T. 8. – M., 1953. – S. 223, 222.
8. CGADA, f. Dvorcovogo otdela, op. 11, d. 31055, l. 1.
9. CGADA, f. Gosarhyv, r. 15, d. 184, ll. 131-133; f. Dvorcovogo otdela, op. 14, d. 32363, ll. 398-399; d. 31055, ll. 1-6.
10. Yndova E.Y. Zemledel'cheskaja praktyka v Central'noj Rossyy HVIII v. / E.Y. Yndova // Yz ystorycheskogo opyta sel'skogo hozjajstva SSSR. – M.: Nauka, 1969. – S. 32-44.
11. CGADA, f. 1261, op. 2, d. 740; f. Dvorcovogo otdela, op. 39, d. 779, ll. 40-44.
12. Rubynshtejn N.L. Sel'skoe hozjajstvo v Rossyy vo vtoroj polovyne HVIII v. / N.L. Rubynshtejn. – M., 1957. – S. 335-338.
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