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The usage of the concept of biologization of agriculture in the system of the organic farming

The definition of term "organic farming" from a position of limited use of mineral fertilizers is analyzed. Comparative assessment of methods of calculation norms of mineral and organic fertilizers for mark estimation of the soil for programmable productivity and balance method for a system of organic farming are done.
The definitions of term "organic farming" shown in the article, indicate the ambiguous approach to its interpretation. Some scientists consider the permissible usage of mineral fertilizers in the system of organic farming in limited quantities, other – their prohibition.
In our opinion, the prohibition of the usage of mineral fertilizers in the system of organic farming is irrelevant, because agriculture science proved that their negative effect is neutralizing when using organic fertilizers.
Due to the change of the biosphere it is needed to learn, develop and use methods and means to neutralize the negative influence of modern fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides on the soil and agricultural plants. An example of this method is concept of agriculture biologization, based on following: if to one ton of organic fertilizers added more than 15 kg of active substance of mineral fertilizers, decrease of humification of soils and their degradation is started or intensified.
Percentage of organic and mineral fertilizers is derived empirically on the basis of the system observation in many stationary experiments and has called the coefficient of agriculture biologization.
For example, defined of need of fertilizer per 1 hectare for growing potatoes under the planned harvest of 20 tons per hectare with mark assessment of the soil for programmable productivity (method 1) and by balance method (method 2).
The results of calculations are shown in table 1. Received the graph of norms of fertilizing of biologization coefficient.
Table 1 – Results of calculation
Biologization coefficient a
By mark estimation of the land for programmed productivity – 200 kg/ha of potatoes (method 1)
The need for organic fertilizers, t/ha
The norm of balanced NPK for programmed harvest, kg/ha
By balance method for programmed productivity – 200 kg/ha of potatoes (method 2)
The need for organic fertilizers, t/ha
The norm of balanced NPK for programmed harvest, kg/ha
Obtained deviation of the results of the calculations for both methods gives reason to recommend it for practical application in the system of organic agriculture balance method, because its use provides more optimal needs of agricultural crops of nutrition elements to achieve the planned harvest. Recommended method enables to determine the need for mineral fertilizers not only the total dose, but also of each elements.
Key words: organic farming, biological farming, ecological farming, organic fertilizers, mineral fertilizers.



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