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Tillering of soft winter wheat of different ecological and geographical origin and its connection with productivity elements
The paper highlights the formation peculiarities in soft winter wheat of different ecological and geographical origin and its general productive quality tillering. The research results prove that general and productive tillering are influences by climatic conditions and the lines genotype. We have investigated the influence of general and productive tillering on grain weight formation per plant. General tillering increase does not necessarily cause the increase in productive tillering and grain mass in a plant. 24 CC line obtained by crossing the Bilotserkivska 47 (squarehead) Lisosteppe ecotype with Odeska 16 steppe ecotype that had one of the least general tillering indexes and an average index of the productive one in 2 years on average; it had the largest weight obtained from a plant – 4,22 g . We have found out the correlation connections of general and productive tillering with the overground plant weight, seeds number and their weight. The closest correlative connection considered a strong one, is defined between productive tillering and seeds number per plant.
Key words: soft winter wheat, general tillering, productive tillering, lines, ecotype, seeds number, seeds weight, correlation coefficient.
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