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The temporal and spatial changes in the structural and aggregate composition of typical chernozem with different anthropogenic stress
The paper aimed to establish features of formation and regularities of structural and aggregate content change in the cultivated layer of low-humus typical chernozem under constant application of various systems of fertilizing and the basic cultivation of soil in short-rotation 4-feld crop rotations with 75 % saturation with grain (winter wheat, barley or spring barley) and 25 % oilseeds (sunflower, spring rape). The research was carried out in a long stationary experiment of the Department of Agrosoil Science and Soil Microbiology of the NSC «Institute of Agriculture of NAAS» and the laboratory of agriculture of the Panfly Research Station of the National Scientifc Center «Institute of Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine». The research results reveal the efciency of different fertilizing systems (fertilizers with crop by-products) combined with tillage tools that differ in their intensity and principle of action. The fertilizing system affected the biomass formation and the tools effect involved layer-by-layer distribution of new crop biomass and formation of soil aggregates of certain shape and size, their share in the formation of structural properties formation which testifes the impact of various anthropogenic stress. The study defnes the direction of soil processes, features of structure formation for long-term implementation of different depth and methods of basic tillage with preservation and anti-erosion and intensive use of 0–30 cm tillage layer (plowing 25–27 cm – control) and long-term use of no–till technology for growing crops that vary on the principle of localization of the crops root system.
Key words: structural and aggregate composition, typical chernozem, method of basic tillage, differentiation.
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