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A systematic approach to the development of tomato plant integrated protection measures based on biotech alternatives
The interest in biological methods of plant protection, based on using microorganisms or their metabolic products to inhibit the development of pathogens has been renewed in Ukraine recently. Biologicals based on live bacterial cultures are characterized by low toxicity and a broad spectrum of activity against plants and pathogens. Using combined biologicals comprising properties of bio-fertilizers, fungicides, and insecticides makes it possible to solve a large number of problems of crops biological protection and improve the quality of final products (vegetables, fruits) as well as soil fertility.Due to the heavy infestation of tomato with bacteriosis, the aim of our study was to search for protection remedies against pathogens of tomato bacterial diseases under conditions of open and covered ground.
The method of cell selection was used to teste the resistance of 16 determinant tomato varieties of Ukrainian selection against common pathogens of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato and Xanthomonas vesicatoria. We have found that tomato varieties of Chayka, Klondike and Zoreslavare resistant to pathogens of bacterial cancer, bacterial speck and bacterial black spotting; Flanders and Legen varieties – to bacterial black spotting, Oberig, Atlasnuy, Gospodar and Cimmerian varieties – to bacterial speck.
Phytohelp and Phytocide biologicals, based on the bacteria Bacillus subtilis, showed different antibacterial activity to phytopathogens, due to the peculiarities of the used strains, their cells titer and concentration of biologically active products of microorganisms. Phytohelp and Phytocide biologicals showed high antibacterial activity against the agents of bacterial cancer C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis and bacterial black spotting X. vesicatoria, and the no-growth zone diameter ranged from 73 to 80 mm. Bacilli antagonistic activity against the phytopathogens associates with the synthesis of antibiotics, toxins, volatile organic compounds, phytohormones, and other exometabolites of different chemical nature.
In our study we examined the antibacterial activity of Azotofit biological based on nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and Planriz and Haupsyn biologicals based on plant growth promoting bacteria (plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria – PGPR-bacteria). Application of PGPR-bacteria is one of biological methods of crops yield increase. Azotofit biological based on cells of Azotobacter chroococcum nitrogen-fixing bacteria showed high antibacterial activity against the agent of bacterial cancer
C. michiganensis subsp. Michiganensis with the no-growth zone diameter of 78 ± 2.0 mm. This preparation was middle-active against the agent of bacterial black spotting X. vesicatoria and showed no activity against the agent of P. syringae pv. tomato bacterial speck of tomato.
Planriz and Haupsyn biologicals based on Pseudomonas bacteria were middle-active against the strains of C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis and subactive against the strains of P. syringae pv. tomato and X. vesicatoria. Antagonist impact of PGPR Pseudomonas on phytopathogens occurs both through the synthesis of siderophore, antibiotics and other secondary metabolites, and the simple competition between for pseudomonas and phytopathogens for the sources of nitrogen and carbon supply.
Thus, the integrated use of biotechnological alternatives, including biological protection products, DNA identification techniques of pathogens and breeding, along with other cultural practices provides high prospects for biological cultivation of tomatoes. We suggested the schematic diagram of a systematic approach to the integrated use of biotechnological alternatives and the algorithm of plant protection measures development for biological cultivation of tomatoes.
Key words: plant protection, biotechnology processes, algorithm of the development.
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