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Sugar beet growth and development features depending on sowing fractions size and genotype
Two factors are influencing on plants growth, development and productivity: the nature of organism and the existing conditions of nature. As numerous researches shown on each beet field was well justified by the soil fertility, before root harvesting there are different plant groups by presence weight. Near of 70-80% crop plants constitute average and below average and about 20-30% higher than the average plant mass. The large number of plants average and below average weight reduces sugar beet yield.
This issue was analyzed and many researchers came to the conclusion that beet plants large mass variability on beet field depends, among other things, on different quality seed by size. So important is sugar beet yields features formation study from its different quality and varietal characteristics.
One of the manifestations sugar beet seeds different qualities especially is large diversity in size. On previously conducted studies based was possible to conclude that seed fractional composition, that there are different fractions genetic characteristics predetermined, growing conditions, seeds additional processing to improve its physical properties, such as polishing, etc.
Thus, according to V.N. Dankov and A.G. Matsebery for sugar beet seeds growing in the central forest-steppes of Ukraine fruits of 3.0-3.5 mm fraction was 30.8%, fraction 4.5-5.5 mm - 14.2, in Western Forest 19.3 and 20.2% respectively. According to V.M. Balan research for without planting ways to grow, varietal characteristics regardless, the fruit seeds basic are 3.5-4.5 mm fraction (60-70%) and characterized by high content of fruit fraction 2.5-3.5 mm, especially 3.0-3.5 mm (30-40%).
Sprouting dynamics evaluating, the research years average, it is worth noting the following: a hybrid IVPCHS 84 and Umansky ChS 97 observed sprouting seeds intense in fine fraction 3,25-3,5 mm, compared with the variant where sowing seed fraction 4,5-5.5 mm.
Thus, on the 1st stairs accounting period in hybrid IVPCHS 84 for seeds 3,25-3,5 mm fraction sowing was observed 53.1%, and sowing seeds 4.5-5.5 mm fraction - 51.1% in hybrid Umansky ChS 97 by 54.5 and 52.5%. A similar pattern persisted throughout sprouting period. However, these slight differences should be seen as a tendency and make them crucial.
It is important to note: in IVPCHS 84 sprouts intensity in the initial period (1 st, 2 nd accounting period) was slightly higher than in Umansky ChS 97 hybrid. However, in the future, conversely was recorded more intense sprouting in Umansky ChS 97 hybrid and 100% of their emergence was recorded in almost the same day.
But by one sprouting dynamic is impossible to conclude the advantages or disadvantages of one or another seeds fraction. Another important criterion for stairs assessment is an indicator that determines the stairs obtained number from a given quantity of seed sown, i.e. its field germination.
Sugar beet field germination depends on many factors: meteorological, agricultural, including from laboratory germination and seed size fractions.
In our experiments, all the fractions have high seed laboratory germination rates, which is a research year’s average study was 88-95% and, as already noted, was almost the same for all seed fractions. Therefore this indicator is not significantly affected on seeds field germination. Research has shown that sugar beets both forms calibrated seed fractions of 4.5-5.5 mm, 3.5-4.5 mm and 3,25-3,5 sowing provide almost the same field germination.
Thus, of the research years average IVPCHS 84 hybrid fraction 4.5-5.5 mm field germination was 74%, fraction 3,25-3,5 mm of -72%, i.e. the difference between the fractions was 2%, which is within of experiment error. A similar pattern is noted and in Umansky ChS 97 hybrid.
It was noted the insignificant difference in seeds field germination between two sugar beet biological forms. In IVPCHS 84 diploid hybrid it was 72-74% in the Umansky ChS 97 triploid – 69-72%.
Obtained results are confirmed that the seed field germination is largely dependent on meteorological conditions, which consist of pre-and after sowing periods.
Key words: sugar beet, hybrid, seed size fraction, plants growth and development, field germination.
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